Why do you do it?

I've been trying to review the reasons why I've been trying to stay fit and this is what I've come up with.
- For my own health
- I just feel better, like I can do more things with more energy.
- Because I have nothing else better to do
- To help seal up any insecurities about myself
- To keep myself busy and distract myself
- Because I like seeing my own progress and doing things that I know I couldn't have done before
- I used to work in retail and now I have a desk job so I have more energy to burn at the end of the day.
- I'm tying to become a better person
- I believe in fitness.

I've never been the fastest, or the strongest, nor was I an athlete in school, but I've always been a grinder and that's why I don't stop.


  • cholepapi
    cholepapi Posts: 79
    I do it because it drives my me to be a better person all the way around. When I don't exercise I get grumpy because I have too much energy. :D
  • knot_enough
    knot_enough Posts: 176 Member
    I do it because it drives my me to be a better person all the way around. When I don't exercise I get grumpy because I have too much energy. :D

    yeah i totally have that same problem. I mean, if you consider that a problem because some people would kill for more energy lol
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Because I reached a point where I couldn't do things - couldn't keep up with my kids - and that is never pleasant.
  • cholepapi
    cholepapi Posts: 79
  • cholepapi
    cholepapi Posts: 79
    No problem here. Hehe:bigsmile: going crazy hehe..j/k
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    For my health. I'm older and so many of friends, fat or thin, are being diagnosed with illnesses that are related to poor diet and lifestyle. I'm trying my best to avoid that.

    But now that I am in perimenopause, also for my sanity and the health of those around me. My hormones go friggin' crazy without regular exercise or if I eat a lot of sugar.
  • silmarilliane
    silmarilliane Posts: 133 Member
    i started because i got on the scales and was nearly 4 stone heavier. i carry on now because:
    - i feel and look better
    - impending type 2 diabetes
    - i have an ambition to dress as seven of nine for halloween...
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    - look and feel better
    - live a longer, healthier, happier life
    - avoid heart disease and diabetes
    - improve my depression and anxiety
    - and apparently my cholesterol is borderline high ... somehow ... :(
  • Super_Amy
    Super_Amy Posts: 97 Member
    I exercise so I can keep doing the things I love to do like gardening, kayaking and hiking...also, I'm vain.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    For my health - mental and physical.

    Whilst it hasn't magically cured a long standing and sometimes severe condition, if someone had told me 2 years ago just how much difference exercise would make to my mood, I wouldn't have believed them.

    And there's a chance I'm starting the menopause (at 29, yay!!) and I need to look after my bones, plenty of exercise and more weight loss is required.

    And I have to admit, not having to buy my clothes from plus sized places feels better. So vanity too.
  • hellykill
    hellykill Posts: 59 Member
    As Shaun T would say ... "cause I wanna look gooood!" ;)
    It just makes me feel so much better to go to bed at night after a good healthy day of eating clean and working out than
    NOT. Ugh. And my mood is awesome when I am doing what I know is going to make me feel and look my best!!
  • cchew686
    cchew686 Posts: 108
    Because I reached a point where I couldn't do things - couldn't keep up with my kids - and that is never pleasant.

    Me too. I want to do fun stuff with my son and not feel tired or gross or self conscious. And good old fashioned spite. To shove it the faces of the haters...this may not be "healthy", but it works for me.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member

    This is something I have been trying to figure out for some time. All my reasons seem so insignificant or generalized...

    -want the body I have never had
    -want to have a list of things I have accomplished in life... Fitness list also.
    -love the feeling of being strong
  • knot_enough
    knot_enough Posts: 176 Member
    I exercise so I can keep doing the things I love to do like gardening, kayaking and hiking...also, I'm vain.

    lol YES to do the things I love. and the vanity aspect will come along and satisfy itself, right?
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I do it because the alternative is NOT an option.
  • maryv83
    maryv83 Posts: 73 Member
    Why do I do it?

    - I have gastrointestinal issues
    - To prevent diabetes type II
    - To improve my health in general - blood pressure, cholesterol, skin, etc.
    - To fit my clothes better - I refuse to buy bigger clothes. Not going to happen.
    - More energy and confidence
    - To look better... that's doesn't hurt. :wink:
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    Because I deserve to have a healthy and fit body. And I deserve to be able to keep up with my athletic friends. And I deserve to perform to the best of my abilities in whatever athletic venture I choose to pursue. I deserve these things. For the longest time I did not believe that I deserved them, but now I do and it is a wonderful feeling.
  • phantasmagical
    phantasmagical Posts: 66 Member
    - i have an ambition to dress as seven of nine for halloween...

    This! A thousand times this!
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Beyond pure vanity:

    Eating right:
    Because I was tired of being a slave to food. Empty foods drive you insane, and you are just constantly looking for more. It's horrible.

    Weight lifting:
    I am convinced I will look amazing if I keep it up. I enjoy it and I believe this is the secret to getting the best body.

    Over all weight maintenance/loss:
    I noticed a slow trend of gaining weight, and I projected to the future, what would happen if I didn't change? The thought was horrible. Even though I thought I was comfortable being 20lbs overweight, thinking how in 20 years I would be 40-60 lbs overweight was scary. I knew I need to turn back time, get to the healthy BMI range and learn how to eat right for the rest of my life so I never have to lose more than 5 lbs.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    - i have an ambition to dress as seven of nine for halloween...

    This! A thousand times this!

    I concur. Ah, seven of baps, that's not a look I can pull off...