I do not enjoy salad

For those out there who eat salads but don't enjoy them what are good healthy alternatives? I don't mind eating a salad since it is a very healthy meal but I can't say I enjoy eating it. Are there other healthy everyday meals that I could use as an alternative?


  • lunapetu0311
    Okay, I LOVE salads - love them. BUT they have to be made the way I like them or I don't enjoy them. So maybe you just need to figure out what about a salad will make you enjoy it?

    Have you tried different lettuces, different toppings, different dressings? Maybe you will enjoy romaine instead of the spring leaves, balsamic vinegar instead of plain white vinegar, cheese crumbles, celery instead of tomatoes, etc. Have you experimented with different things?

    If you just really don't like salads no matter what - how about you eat the raw or cooked veggies you do like (like carrots, celery, cucumber) on the side with a dip instead of put together like a salad? Or would you like the veggies juiced or in a smoothie?

    Just try to get the veggies in another way then on a bed of lettuce :)
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I don't like it either. As a matter of fact, I don't like any vegetables raw except for tomatoes and carrots. So I eat cooked vegetables instead. They don't take long to steam and toss a little bit of topping on if you feel like it.
  • ChristinWrites
    ChristinWrites Posts: 119 Member
    Experiment with different toppings. One of my favorite summer time salads has walnuts and sliced strawberries on top of mixed baby greens with a raspberry vinegar dressing. It's quite different than a standard salad and I enjoy the different blend of flavors. There are hundreds of ways to make salads. They aren't my first choice either, or at least they weren't, until I experimented with different things.
  • fishsquishy
    fishsquishy Posts: 35 Member
    Yah, I feel you on this one. I need protein with flavor in my salads to feel satiated and the flavor helps me reduce the amount of dressing needed. So, I make taco meat or buffalo chicken or throw leftover steak or pork on top. It doesn't have to be a full serving of protein for me, just enough to keep my interest. I also get a lot of my vegetables from soups. I tend to never eat all of my veggies before they go bad so I pick up a rotisserie chicken, eat some of it on a salad or sandwiches or as a meal, then throw the balance in the pot with some low sodium chicken broth and add all of my leftover veggies and then eat my veggies as soup. I even throw in spinach into my soups. Hope this helps. I will eat salads, but always as a guilt driven side dish, very rarely as a main entree unless I do my protein trick. I do have a favorite salad at a restaurant that has shrimp, mango, sliced grapefruit, radishes and a light vinegarette. I am a sucker for good shrimp and mango and the other ingredients make it interesting. So think about just taking your favorite fruits, veggies and proteins and making a salad. Then it may be more like a treat than denying yourself something you would rather have. Good luck!
  • moonlitheaven
    I don't mind Salads. If someone makes it, I'll eat it. I like warm foods. Salads make me sad in such a cold office. :cry:
    I prefer steamed veggies. Nice and Warm. I also do not like salad dressings. I prefer lemon or lime, a pinch of salt and pepper. If by some strange chance I do crave a salad, I prefer something with a mix of things... Lettuce, tomato, green peppers, cucumbers, red peppers... Something colorful and pretty usually grabs my attention.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    Experiment with different toppings. One of my favorite summer time salads has walnuts and sliced strawberries on top of mixed baby greens with a raspberry vinegar dressing. It's quite different than a standard salad and I enjoy the different blend of flavors. There are hundreds of ways to make salads. They aren't my first choice either, or at least they weren't, until I experimented with different things.

    Second this. I used to not like salads, either. But then I started experimenting with different flavors and textures and now I LOVE salads.
    But if you don't like them, you don't like them. Try making a vegetable soup, gazpacho, various casseroles, or steam or grill or roast them. Sometimes I will grill or roast a bunch of veggies and then serve with a fresh tomato sauce.
  • Finayoung
    Finayoung Posts: 38 Member
    This is all GREAT advice! I'll be trying these idea for sure. It's true, I really havenet experimented with different things to throw in there!
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    Strawberries on top of salad is so good. theres something about sliced fruit on top of salad that makes it taste good.

    I hate salads too except when they put a lot of fun stuff which means something more than just lettuce tomatos and cucumbers, so i add the fruit and shredded cheese and olives and a few croutons and it makes a whole lot of difference.
  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    If you don't like salad, don't eat it. There are plenty of other ways to fit veggies into your diet.
  • BookAngel_a
    BookAngel_a Posts: 143 Member
    I like salads when I make them, but not always when someone else does. I've found I'm very picky with the type of salad dressing I use. Now that I've found a few favorites I can't live without them haha. Sometimes when we go out to eat I take a small container of salad dressing with me and ask for my salad with no dressing, so I can use my own.

    I also like crunchy lettuce, not the soft leaves that wilt right away. Hearts of romaine sliced thin with a knife provides a nice shredded crunch for me. My husband won't eat salad unless the leaves are crunchy either. :)

    I agree with everyone about the toppings. There are a few healthy toppings for salad, like garbanzo beans, for instance, that I just love.

    If you experiment you might find a combo that you like. If you don't, well then just eat steamed veggies or whatever way you do enjoy vegetables.

    You can also juice raw veggies or make a smoothie or something - I've found that I can put a lot of veggies in a smoothie and if I throw in 1/2 an apple it is sweet enough that I can drink it without sweetener. Carrots have a natural sweetness in smoothies too.
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    I like salads like once a week...so I generally just have chicken and veggies and maybe some rice for lunches..
  • maccazan
    maccazan Posts: 5 Member
    Some of us are more 'warm food' people. I rarely feel in the mood for salad.... only if the day is quite hot and I want something refreshing. On regular days, though, I might have veggie soup, or grilled vegetables (sweet potato, carrot, zuchinni, etc). It's better for some people's digestive systems as well.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    If you do not like salads, then do not eat them. There is no rule that says weight loss requires salads.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You don't have to eat salads if you don't like them. The only time I eat them is if it comes with my meal when we eat out, or if we're eating at a friend's house or something. My hubby doesn't tolerate salad well (had his colon removed about 6 years ago, so raw leafy things don't digest well!), so I pretty much quit making them for our meals at home.

    Roasting or grilling veggies is a favorite around here. Just about any veg tossed with a bit of olive or coconut oil, any herbs or spices of your choice, maybe some nuts (pumpkin seeds are awesome!), spread on a cookie sheet and roast in the oven. Super tasty. Or get one of those grill woks or bowls that can hold cut up veggies on the BBQ - sliced zucchini, red bell peppers, mushrooms, onions - toss in a bit of oil (not too much because it will flame up on the grill), herbs, spices, and cook along side whatever else you're grilling for dinner.

    Baked sweet potatoes, regular potatoes - easy few minutes in the microwave. Broccoli is good roasted or steamed with a bit of lemon. Spring is here - asparagus and artichokes are hitting the stores and super tasty seasonal treats! Asparagus is good roasted or steamed, and you can grill artichokes, too.

    Lots of possibilities outside of salad! :smile: