Sugar withdrawal?

Hi everyone

Since my new years resolution was to get into shape for my holiday I've been cutting down on junk food.

I used to be the typical unhealthy student who lived on full fat coca-cola and general sugary junk, who sat behind a computer screen all day with very low activity levels. Since new years I've cut all sugar out, apart from from naturally occuring sugars from fruits etc. A couple of times I've felt generally run down and lacking in energy so have had a sugary drink to pep me back up, this has worked and I've carried on with my healthier diet.

Yesterday I started feeling this way again but the symptoms that came with it were much worse and very scary:
Pounding headache, being in cold sweats and unable to regulate my body temp, pressure around my rib cage as if I were being squeezed, sore skin, muscle aches, feeling off balance with strange eye sight (a bit like when your drunk) achey bones, feeling weak, and insomnia, to name a few.

A couple of bottles of cola took away most of the symptoms, so I'm pretty sure its not just a cold that I'm about to develop. However the symptoms have remained this morning and increasing the amount of sugar I consume hasn't really done much, apart from make me feel a bit sick.

My questions is, is anyone else who used to have a heavy in take of sugar feeling the same after cutting it out? I'm concerned as to whether I have low blood sugar or if my body is just adjusting to its new diet. I've also started the gym in the last few months and try to consume around 1,200 cals a day. I'm not over weight but have gained a few pounds and want to get rid of them!

Any help from anyone out there would be really appreciated.



  • Hello!
    I wonder if you are getting sick AND going through sugar withdrawals?

    First thing though, if you want to kick the sugar habit - you can't have a sugary drink or snack when you are feeling run down. You are just creating an endless pattern of sugar addiction. Typically within 1-2 weeks of not consuming high amounts of sugar, your body should no longer have cravings or withdrawal symptoms from it. So the tiredness you are feeling may be from other things - not getting enough sleep, overexercising, your lower calorie intake. It does take time for your body to adjust to changes - give it a few weeks to feel normal again. Try to take a nap, eat fruit, a sugar free drink with caffeine or even just water will reenergize you.

    Or perhaps try slowly decreasing your sugar intake instead of going "cold turkey". If you normally drink 3 sugar drinks per day, bring it down to 2 drinks per day, then 1 drink per day, etc.

    I have gone sugar-free before but the only withdrawal symptoms I had were intense cravings and not all of the other symptoms you mentioned -- though depending on how much sugar you were consuming before, may be totally normal. If these are symptoms of sugar withdrawal for you, then it should be eye-opening that your body is SO dependent on it and should be a huge motivation to kick the habit. TRY to get through these feelings without caving into the sugar - a little fruit is okay to decrease the intensity but try not to eat candy, drinks, etc.

    If the symptoms don't disappear in a few days then it might be something more. Check in with your doctor.

    Good luck! Sugar is a nasty thing to beat!
  • JJs25th
    JJs25th Posts: 204 Member
    How much caffeine is in the sugary drinks you're using? It is very possible you are having caffeine issues.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I recommend going to a doctor! I've eliminated many things from what I eat and have never encountered a withdrawal like what you're describing. You might want to do that and get your blood sugars tested...

    I hope you feel better soon!
  • jaenders06
    jaenders06 Posts: 63 Member
    I used to get the same way too. It took about a week of really sticking to no sugary drinks and things to kick my habit. I haven't had any caffeine or soda in about 3 months and I feel a lot better. I don't get migraines and that run down feeling anymore. It probably isn't the sugar that is doing it to you but the caffeine. It really used to knock me down when I didn't get enough. Take it slow and wean yourself off of it. I tried the cold turkey approach and failed miserably. I slowly weaned off of it and it made the feeling a lot more manageable.
  • I had a pretty sugary past of eating like that, but never had those type of symptoms, like others have said maybe your getting sick and to see a doctor or it's withdrawal from the caffeine in the pop, that could be very likely. It takes up to 6 weeks for the body to stop being a sugar burner and to just burn fat, so you have to stick with it and having those drinks when your not feeling good is like starting all over again. It's a hard process but it's do able and very possible. Best of luck to you! If you wanna talk to someone who's on a no sugar diet too then I'm here!
  • Vicky797
    Vicky797 Posts: 2
    Thanks everyone for your answers! It's nice to know I'm not the only one trying to kick the sugar habit and finding it tough!
    I've made an appointment with my doctor to rule out the chances of low blood sugar and ask for some advice, as I'm guessing these aren't just general symptoms of adjusting to less sugar or caffeine.
    Has to be said those symptoms were a real wake up call for how unhealthy my diet used to be!! Definitely more determined to kick the habit so I never have to feel like that again.