Weight Loss, no Workouts

OK, I have been complaining for about a month that I have been eating my 1200 calories a day, working out about 4 times a week (cardio and weights) and have been stuck at the same weight. I realized that I was not buring the calories that the machines said so I adjusted for that, I ate more then less, and nothing. Well I got sick over the weekend and stayed in bed for 2 days....I haven't worked out since last Friday, got on the scale this morning and lost 4 lbs!!! I didn't have a stomach virus, just coughing and head cold so I stuck to my 1200 calories. I am happy with the extra belt loops I am on and happy with the difference in my body so far but I like the scale to move and I am terrified to go back to the gym and see the scale go up again!!! Feeling skinny today, can someone explain this????


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    OK, I have been complaining for about a month that I have been eating my 1200 calories a day, working out about 4 times a week (cardio and weights) and have been stuck at the same weight. I realized that I was not buring the calories that the machines said so I adjusted for that, I ate more then less, and nothing. Well I got sick over the weekend and stayed in bed for 2 days....I haven't worked out since last Friday, got on the scale this morning and lost 4 lbs!!! I didn't have a stomach virus, just coughing and head cold so I stuck to my 1200 calories. I am happy with the extra belt loops I am on and happy with the difference in my body so far but I like the scale to move and I am terrified to go back to the gym and see the scale go up again!!! Feeling skinny today, can someone explain this????

    I think the main thing you need to learn is PATIENCE. Pick one calorie goal, and stick with it for a couple months. Pick an exercise goal, and stick with it for a couple months. If you're always switching what you're doing, it's hard to know exactly what to change.

    Congrats on feeling thinner. But you'll probably put the 4 lbs. back on, if you lost it because you were sick. Just letting you know to look for that.
  • lilandra22
    There are so many variables and factors that go into what your weight is day to day that there's no way to know exactly why the scale went down 4 pounds. But DO NOT stop going to the gym! When you workout you build muscle, and the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn while at rest. And keep in mind that muscle weighs a lot more than fat so while the number on the scale might not change much, your body fat percentage is probably going down. Throw out the scale and focus on your measurements.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    You lost the 4 pounds because you were sick and you weren't working out. Exercise makes you retain water for muscle repair.

    Stop worrying about the scale.
  • litaf201
    litaf201 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for the insight...I have been on this journey since January am 5'4 and today weigh 131...I still have a little way to go but it would be nice to believe I have lost 10 lbs since then :) I will be back at the gym shortly because I like to feel the muscle tone in my legs and tummy (even though there is still a bit of flab covering it). So scary not to look at the scale because it keeps me in check, but I think I will try the measurements instead. Love these boards!!!