advice on muscle injury?

I was just wondering if there was any advice from runners or lifters, about a month ago I started getting a really sore hip after running. I went to my chiro and was told it was a really tight glute muscle, so for the last 3 weeks i have been taking NSAIDs on and off and doing some heavy massage and it's finally feeling kinda normal. I am really nervous about running now and was wondering if I should maybe start doing some squats and lunges to help prevent this happening again? I havn't lifted weights for about 6 months so any ideas on how much of what without hurting the muscle again and should i stretch or massage after lifting or running? Thanks, mel


  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Make sure you are streching after your runs. Really good streching
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I stretch after running as a general rule--if I don't, I really pay the price the next day. Same for any strength training. I've also been told that one should do a gentle warm-up, do a full body stretch, and then start running/lifting... I'm too impatient to do this (bad, I know :blushing:), but it might help you somewhat. (Also, on an unrelated note, make sure you're drinking lots of water if you're taking lots of NSAIDs--easier on your kidneys!)
  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    I have this problem and it all relates back to a weak glute (for me anyway). There are some bridging exercises you can do like:

    Glute Bridge (

    Lying Hip Extension (

    and a modified bridge where you hold the bridge position, squeeze one but cheek then raise the opposite foot slightly for a couple of seconds. Repeat on the other side then do that for as many reps as you can each side. It may not be many reps to start with. I think I started with 5 each side and that was a struggle.

    With all of these make sure you abs are turned on so that you stay nice and straight.

    If you can, I highly recommend seeing a sports physiotherapist. They deal more with the muscles than a chiro does and will be able to show you how to do the exercises I listed above and possibly suggest others. They'll also be able to tell you exactly what your issue is and make sure you're getting the appropriate treatment.
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    PLEASE seek physical therapy. You need t strengthen. Massage feels great, but it is just a short term fix. You need to strengthen those muscles, and a physical therapist can teach you how.

    Also make sure you're stretching, a lot.
    try that one.

    And be careful taking NSAIDs for extended times, they are hell on your stomach.

    Good luck!
  • smelmel
    smelmel Posts: 98 Member
    thanks everyone for the advice, I done some bridge exercises, lunges and squats and tomorrow I will run.
    I would really like to see a physio but I'm a STAH mum, 1 wage same old story. thanks
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    You said the massage and stretching has helped, then I would continue to do this. Definately, stretch for a long time (30 sec min) after running and weight/lunges. Also deep massage once a week, use a tennis ball against the wall and press into the glutes on the painful spot, hold for a count of 10 seconds. The pain should start to lessen after 7 secs. Repeat twice more. Chiros are just as good as physios btw.

    If the chiro suggested tight glutes then the stretching and massage should solve the problem.

    If, however, it is muscle damage then you will need to find the cause. i.e. hip imbalance, pronation of the feet, knees out of balance. Always worth going to a sports running shop and having your feet assessed this should be free, maybe you need inserts placed in your trainers, they can also check for imbalances. Failing all this then it is back to the chiro I'm afraid.