Already thinking of giving up hope



  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    I used to think lifestyle changes were a marathon, not a sprint. Now I'd say they are more like a maze. Not everything is a step forward, but everything is an opportunity to learn.

    As mentioned by many posters 1200 calories is difficult to sustain. I started MFP at 1680 calories per day and as I lost weight, my target dropped to 1230. Per my doctor's suggestion I was not eating exercise calories. I couldn't keep up 1200 per day and my exercise routine. I ended up raising slowly back to 1700 calories and I am still losing. It is a much more sustainable eating regime. If you are using the MFP settings then set your goal to 1.5 lbs per week and plan on eating around half your exercise calories back. Or consider using the TDEE method that takes your exercise into account. With the TDEE method you eat the same calories every day. Even if you don't want switch to the TDEE method, it is worth looking at one of the TDEE calculators to see how many calories you are actually burning per day. To lose 1.5lbs per week you should be averaging 750 calories per day below that number.

    It is hard not to focus on the scale, however look for other ways to measure success. Photos, tape measure, exercise logs, etc will all help you see improvements even if the scale isn't moving. The scale is both a curse and a blessing. There is a considerable amount of variation due to hormones, diet (salt), etc. The scale might not move as expected for a week or two, and then there will be a sudden drop.

    Do focus on a food scale. I have found it to be worth every penny. Weigh everything. You might find that single serving package labeled as x g actually has more or less than marked. Accurately logging your food and drink will give you the confidence to know that you are in a deficit. It is that confidence that gets you through the times when the scale is not behaving as you think you should.

    I'm a firm believer in taking this one day at a time. I get up each morning with two goals (1) eat under my calorie goal (2) exercise at least 30 minutes. I know, if I do those two things every day, that I will lose inches and pounds. The changes will not happen over night, but they will happen in the end. By focusing on the behaviors rather than the scale, I have another measure of success. I actually drop a pebble in a jar each night before bed when I've hit those two goals. I'm going to have to get more pebbles soon. :smile:

    You will hear about all types of diets here - clean eating, paleo, ketogenic etc. You need to find what works the best for you within your calorie goals. That might take some experimenting. For me, a high protein diet works best. I have reduced carbs, but not drastically so. You need to figure out what works for you that you can live with.

    Don't give up, because that is the only way you will truly fail.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    You should definitely eat more than 1200 calories.

    Weigh all of your food, you might be underestimating the amount you are eating, or over-estimating your burns.

    As great as stopping eating "junk food" and "fast food" might be, it's not the key to success.

    Here, read this thread and let it guide you.
    DO this.