runners: advice please



  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    Definitely start slow, but you should do some training outside. Running on a treadmill and then on a trail or the road is completely different. I could run for 30 mins straight on the treadmill, but then once I tried running outside i could only do 10 minutes at a time. It's a lot more exhausting!

    Go slow outside though, do a run/walk workout and you'll build up to 3 miles non stop in no time!
  • jbeans830
    jbeans830 Posts: 10 Member
    bump - at work will read later. I need the advice too! So thank you to everyone posting :-)
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Hydrate like crazy the night before. Hydrate somewhat the morning of. Eat something substantial, but not overly heavy. I feel any discomfort kills my motivation to run. That said, make sure you've stopped drinking water and get all the peepee time out of the way BEFORE the race. Nothing hurts so bad as running on a full bladder.

    Other than that, it's a 5k. It probably seems huge right now, but when you finish, you'll probably say out loud, "I could do that again... right now even!" I did something higher than that...12k, maybe? I got defeated mentally to a degree. When I finished, I was like, "Man, how do I have energy right now?" So go at your own pace, but realize that 5k will be over before you know it.

    Good for you for training. Good luck and kick butt!
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    Get outside and learn to pace yourself. Slow your pace until you can run the entire distance and the more you run, the faster you will get naturally. Don't worry about a time goal right now, you need to focus on being able to run the entire distance, which will be far different outside with hills, wind, and temperature. I made the mistake with my first half marathon of training mainly on the treadmill and was not at all prepared for running on the road.

    No need to do much as far as eating for a 5k, just don't do anything new, eat what you normally would before a run. PB and banana, oatmeal, toast with pb, etc.