12 weeks to beach vacation and I need help!!!

My family has just booked our condo for July 4th and I want to lose some weight before we go. I am 28 years old, 5'6" and 230 lbs. I would like to lose 30 pounds by the time we go on vacation. I feel this is a reasonable goal and big accomplishment! I appreciate any comments on tips, motivation, meal plans, exercise plans, and anything you guys want to share with me. I need a lot of encouragement and I hope to use this site like a personal trainer!


  • ginnyntonic
    ginnyntonic Posts: 28 Member
    No time to start like the present. It is a big goal but if you stay consistent and keep up with logging, eating well, and exercising you will make a lot of progress. Maybe not as much as you want, maybe more than you planned, but it will absolutely be better than if you had never started. Good luck and you can do it!
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    Its all about sheer determination. A lot of this is going to be up to you. If you set your mind to it, it will be done! When it gets hard, and it will, just try very hard to remember this very post. That you have a goal in mind and losing focus will only get you further from it. The last thing I will say is dont give up. Whatever you do. If you overeat one day, who cares, shake it off and do better the next meal. We all slip up and its easy to use these as excuses to not continue.

    P.S. I am also having a beach vacation July 4. Hawaii! I got my eyes on the prize just like you!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    You need to create your plan, with baby steps that build on each other. What is your first step? 10 minutes of exercise a day? Cutting out soda? Just tracking your food? Pick what works for you. Then, when you master the first one, move on to the next. If you try to do them all at once, you may overwhelm yourself and quit. You can do this, but you need to make it yours! Our advice can absolutely help, but you know you best.
  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    Yes! I agree! Feel free to add me, I've got around 12 weeks to my honeymoon!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    30 pounds in 12 weeks may not be doable but that shouldn't keep you from starting now. Anything over 2 pounds a week may not be safe. Anyway, I would input all of your numbers and plug in your goal and get started. I have found that exercise really ramps things up and allows you to eat more. Start slow with walking and add in short interval runs during the walks. Even if you miss your 30 in 12 weeks goal, think what you can do if you keep at it for an entire year. It is a lifestyle change and not a diet this time.
  • sakura989
    sakura989 Posts: 10
    My family has just booked our condo for July 4th and I want to lose some weight before we go. I am 28 years old, 5'6" and 230 lbs. I would like to lose 30 pounds by the time we go on vacation. I feel this is a reasonable goal and big accomplishment! I appreciate any comments on tips, motivation, meal plans, exercise plans, and anything you guys want to share with me. I need a lot of encouragement and I hope to use this site like a personal trainer!

    We've the same "goal date", but not the same weight to lose. I personally use MFP to record my meals, and for workout i use Cassey Ho's Blogilates videos (check her out she's amazing^^ I was a real potato coach before, but she's so bubble you have to get up and sweat with her ^^). She provides also some meal plans, but never tested them to be honest.

    I'm always looking for support, and I like to give some, so if you want we can motivate each other^^
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    It is a big goal, but even if you don't achieve it, you can still be slimmer, healthier, and have more energy for that vacation!

    These are three posts that are full of really good information to get you started:
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member

    You've already taken the first step so pat yourself on the back :smile: and then read this.

    Good luck to you and have fun on that vacation!
  • cllq3f
    cllq3f Posts: 5
    I am with you on this one! I would love to feel more comfortable in my bathing suit before vaca!
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    I sent you a friend request! I guess I am looking to lose about 20 lbs but, really...my pants & dress size is more important than the number on the scale.. I've just restarted and gotten serious about hitting my calorie goals.
  • Gregbarnes300
    Gregbarnes300 Posts: 18 Member
    You can do it!! Just set your mind to it and work at it a little at a time. Drink lots of water, watch what you eat and try to workout when you can. I use the pool to help me lose weight so it is not as much pressure on my body like in a gym or running. Work the weights in as you feel able to. Good Luck. I am on everyday if you need anything.
  • amandaygriffin
    amandaygriffin Posts: 15 Member
    Thank y'all all SO much for the encouragement and support! I really look forward to interacting with all of y'all and us meeting our goals together!