Introduction... GULP. Hi. We will do it.. we can do it.


So uh, I've been here before.. MyFitnessPal app I mean, but I've never posted in the forum or introduced myself to the community. My name is Bea, 28, and a San Francisco native. I started my journey in the beginning of last year and managed to lose quite a bit as well as kept it off. I was around 235-240lbs at the time, and got down to 200lbs by summer. The majority of my loss was in January-February though, which was about 26lbs. I fell off in March due to an injury at work..looking back, it was quite minor so I dont know why it discouraged me to keep beasting on... I continued to lose here and there though to get down to 200lbs by the end of the year. Actually, I think I got down to 194lbs but.. those HOLIDAYS man.. :sad:

Anyway, started my journey again this past March and managed to lose 5lbs, getting me back to the 100s at 195lbs. However, lately my family has been having a bit of a family crisis; we're anticipating my grandmother's passing. I was taking care of her for several months now, and it's been quite rough. I've been pretty much eating my emotions and moping about, more so in the last week :cry: . So progress has been halted yet again. But lately, I've been thinking a lot about my future. I don't want to flood this entry with my goals, but long story short, I want to achieve them. I MUST achieve them. And losing this weight is a major part of it.

It's true what they say... if you want something, you work hard to get it. Plain and simple. I've gotten a lot of things in life that others would feel are unattainable.. but y'know, we would only feel that way if we don't try or take action. That is all you need to do. I know.. I've been there.. I know the feeling of reaching a certain goal, or winning, achieving, etc and knowing that I attained that by taking action. Taking action by DOING SOMETHING.. ANYTHING! It feels so idiotic to explain because it's so simple, but it is what is.. you just do it. Anyway, I may just derail myself soon so my point, really, is that WE CAN ALL DO THIS. I'm that person right now who's thinking.. aw man, it's going to take so long to lose alllla this weight, ughhh... but damnit, I just gotta do it!! And f yeah, it WILL happen. You just have to believe in yourself!

And I want to succeed with all of you.. I want it so by the time I reach my goals, I also want all of you to have also reached yours or literally on your way. And so by the end of this year, we'll just all have a freaking party and celebrate. I want us to all get that euphoric happiness feeling where we just cant stop smiling and laughing because, holy crap, we're living the life :bigsmile:

So this will be me :drinker: this will be you :smokin: and just because, this will be the person who didn't think we can do it :noway:
