A question for the other short people out there...

Hi everyone!

I am only 5'0 and would like to hear about the journey of other short people. I figured out my TDEE and have been eating at a deficit, but so far I cannot tell that I am losing any weight. I am on week 3. I know because I am smaller I am only set to lose about .5lbs per week, but I was really hoping my pants would feel a little looser by now! I weigh about 127lbs and its almost all in my stomach (and a bit in my thighs and butt). I legit look 7 months pregnant. I am so sick of it!

SO my question for you is- how long did it take before you really started seeing a difference?

Thanks a lot!


  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I'm also 5'0", but a guy. *_*

    I started out at 208 lbs, and didn't notice a difference until around 45-50 lbs lost. I'm around 132 now, and I'm remarkably smaller, yet there's still a ways to go (I'm looking at a 120 lbs goal weight - the weight I was before I gained it all).

    My pants started feeling looser after the first 10 lbs though. I'm down from a size 40 to 32 after around 76 lbs lost.
  • OneStepLighter
    OneStepLighter Posts: 78 Member
    I'm 5ft as well. I started here last year about 8-9 months at the weight of 240. It took me forever to get down there but I didn't really notice a change until last year. I went on a cruise and I was about 190. I noticed I was getting smaller around my waist but below my waist is where all my trouble areas are! Still a work in progress! Yet I've lost 6 pants sizes (even though my thighs are still big to me, they've thinned down) & comfortably wear medium shirts.
    So I'd say about 5 months I noticed and others did as well. So far, I'm now down to 173 and still losing (My GW is 125-130) but it took quite a bit of time! I knew it wasn't going to be quick because it's going to always be an uphill and downhill battle with weight. But now, I'm doing circuit training + strength training at home and so far, I've seen big changes all over! Give it time! You'll get there! :)
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I'm the same height and I started at the same weight as you. It took around 7 pounds before others began to see a difference. I'm now at 112, but I'm not focusing on the numbers on the scale as much. I began weight lifting and want to lose inches and try to gain muscle. You just need to be patient :)
  • gizzymoto333
    gizzymoto333 Posts: 10 Member
    Awesome, thank you! When you first started, what did you do to lose the 7lbs and how long did it take to lose them? Were you losing at a rate of .5lbs a week?
  • gizzymoto333
    gizzymoto333 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow, you are doing great! Good for you. Thank you for the inspiration. 6 pants sizes! Amazing.
  • hickorycutie
    hickorycutie Posts: 210 Member
    <~~~ 5' 1 and always looking for new friends..
  • gizzymoto333
    gizzymoto333 Posts: 10 Member
    That's amazing, awesome work! I am glad to see that it only took 10lbs for your pants to start feeling looser. I hope mine start to soon!
  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    I am 5'2" and 135 pounds. I've been half-heartedly attempting to lose 15 pounds for 4 years now. I've just started (finally!) to get my butt in gear and in the past 10 days I've lost a pound and an inch around my waist. For us smaller girls, losing even a pound and an inch makes a big difference in appearance! You really have to make yourself accountable for everything you eat and be sure to exercise to be more toned when you finally get to your desired goal weight. I promise you, you WILL lose pounds and inches if you persevere!
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I lose from my top half first so I barely notice it as my tops tend to be bigger any to cope with the big guns (which is what I call my chest as my surname is Gunn). It takes a long time for me to notice it on my bottom half in fact I can lose up to 2 stone (that's 28lbs) before I notice it on my bottom half.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Awesome, thank you! When you first started, what did you do to lose the 7lbs and how long did it take to lose them? Were you losing at a rate of .5lbs a week?

    When I first lost the weight, I wasn't tracking on MFP yet. I just cut down my portions and exercised (around 6 days/week of Jillian Michaels dvds). The exercising was too much for me, so I went down to 5 days (3 days of weights and 2 cardio). I started this whole thing in October, so it's taken me around 4 months to lose the 7lbs. I did get my wisdom teeth out around that time, so it kind of sped up the weight loss lol. Now I'm losing around .5lbs a week.

    I also think that the less you have to lose, it takes more for people to notice a change.