What I learned from my cheat day



  • janine2355
    janine2355 Posts: 628 Member
    Today is my birthday and I decided to eat whatever I wanted, give in to some of my cravings without for once having to worry about getting hungry later. Probably a dumb idea, but I think I actually learned a lot...

    First thing I've learned... it's 3pm, I'm stuffed, and I don't think I'll be able to eat anything more today... first sign of improvement! (granted, I ate probably close to 4000 calories today)
    Second thing... nope, some things just are not worth the calories. I got some French fries because I was craving them, and it was good... but not that good that it's worth messing up my day for. Same for the chocolate croissant I had. Even without worrying that I'll be hungry later, it's just not THAT good.
    Third thing... overeating is not fun. Actually looking forward to eating reasonably tomorrow.
    Fourth thing... cheat days are not worth it... I'll definitely do things better next time and just try to fit one thing within my calorie goal. I have no regret though, most of the things I ate were delicious and I think my cravings are gone for a while now

    Now to spend a couple weeks getting back on track.

    What did you learn during your last cheat day?

    First, I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! HOPE IT WAS A GOOD ONE! This was such an excellent post. I really enjoyed reading it. You made me thing so much about "cheating" and is it really worth it etc. For me personally, what I like to do when I cheat is just cheat one meal or food item that particular day instead of a whole day! I have done a whole day, but I felt kind of bad after it, and my stomach felt so full and bloated. It wasn't a good feeling. However, having said that, What I've been doing when I do cheat is, I wait to see, if I truly am craving whatever it is or see if it is going to pass. If the craving doesn't pass, and just gets worse, then I choose say, the next day to have that item or meal. However, I work my whole day around that meal so that I don't go over my calories too much. For example, If I know my office is having a party and there is a piece of cake that I know I want, I will have a low cal breakfast, lunch, then have the cake (that is my cheat food)
    then have a sensible dinner. If I feel like going on the treadmill or doing crunches or something that day, I do that too. If not, I do the treadmill the following day. It's all about being sensible, this is what I have learned. It's not about deprivation. If there is something I'm dying to have, I wait, then, if it doesn't go away (the craving) I eat it, and then just am really good for as long as I can until the next craving happens, which doesn't happen that much anymore. Also, If I do my treadmill, I don't feel guilty at all. Tomorrow you will go back to your normal routine, so you see, all is good. Think of it like this, what's the most weight you could have put on from today? A pound? That's not bad at all! :)
  • kbush4
    kbush4 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't do cheat days anymore...just a cheat meal, one on Saturday and one on Sunday and that's it.
  • WhereIsPJSoles
    WhereIsPJSoles Posts: 622 Member
    Happy Birthday!
  • glitterstreet
    I find if I don't cheat for a couple of weeks I find myself eat a little extra here and there everythere. I find it easier if I put aside one day every couple of weeks to have about 3500 calories in order to control this urge and prevent a binge.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    When I cheat it throws off my digestive system!!!

    BTW Happy Birthday!!!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I haven't cheated since i started MFP because I eat whatever I want as long as I stay within my weekly calorie goals. For example, I just had a rocky mountain chocolate covered bavarian pretzel and it was delish! I think deprivation leads to bingeing and the old diet mentality leads to cheating.

    Don't deprive yourself and get rid of that old diet mentality and things usually work out fine.

    If you had seen my diary, you'd know I never deprive myself, lol. I just tend to get hungry a lot, so there are things that I can't easily fit in my days, because they won't fill me up for the calories. I just figured one day in a year to indulge on those wouldn't hurt (well, except my stomach apparently).

    Happy birthday, by the way.

    Indulging is not cheating, and neither is going over your calorie goal once in awhile.
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    Happy Birthday!

    I have been only at this for a couple of months, mind you, but I let myself eat close to maintenance or over at least one day a week. I also used to restrict food groups, but now I eat whatever as long as it fits into my day calorie-wise (and macro-wise, to some extent).

    Biggest thing I've learned is that not restricting foods on the other days means on my "cheat" day I am less likely to go crazy and eat everything that isn't nailed down. I find myself feeling full - not STUFFED, just full - when I eat my maintenance calories. And I don't dive-bomb the ice cream after I finish off the pizza because OMG CHEAT DAY.

    I'm sure I will have a day someday where I do all of that and eat 4000 calories, but it won't be, you know, every weekend.
  • bobbinalong
    bobbinalong Posts: 151 Member
    You gave yourself a fine birthday present discovering what works for you and why...Happy Birthday:smile:
  • rak173
    rak173 Posts: 105 Member
    I have learned that a lot of the snack foods I would eat mindlessly, are just not worth it. I have been doing 1-2 cheat meals a week, typically on the weekend...this has helped prevent binges.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I don't consider them cheat days. I just may have a high calorie meal that that day that may push me over to maintenance or a few hundred past maintenance. I never get carried away.

    I eat well most the times and under my daily calories so if I want to have a few meals a week like burgers, chili cheese fries or whatever I can. I feel no guilt. Then again, I'm pretty disciplined and deserve to eat what I want. lol

    Couldn't imagine going through life thinking I'm cheating or messing up my progress over a great meal I crave. The key is being self-disciplined most of the times...at least if you want to be able to still live a little on a regular basis and enjoy the food you like and crave. lol

    But I can see if a person isn't capable and goes overboard how that would be a problem. THank goodness, so far, its not a problem for me.

    Happy Birthday!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I have learned that a lot of the snack foods I would eat mindlessly, are just not worth it. I have been doing 1-2 cheat meals a week, typically on the weekend...this has helped prevent binges.

    After a while they (snack foods I used to crave) don't even taste good any more...But I still have days that I just want to eat more...more healthy stuff, like double sized of beef pot roast or more turkey breast...or a whole pound of blueberries...
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    Today is my birthday and I decided to eat whatever I wanted, give in to some of my cravings without for once having to worry about getting hungry later. Probably a dumb idea, but I think I actually learned a lot...

    First thing I've learned... it's 3pm, I'm stuffed, and I don't think I'll be able to eat anything more today... first sign of improvement! (granted, I ate probably close to 4000 calories today)
    Second thing... nope, some things just are not worth the calories. I got some French fries because I was craving them, and it was good... but not that good that it's worth messing up my day for. Same for the chocolate croissant I had. Even without worrying that I'll be hungry later, it's just not THAT good.
    Third thing... overeating is not fun. Actually looking forward to eating reasonably tomorrow.
    Fourth thing... cheat days are not worth it... I'll definitely do things better next time and just try to fit one thing within my calorie goal. I have no regret though, most of the things I ate were delicious and I think my cravings are gone for a while now.

    Now to spend a couple weeks getting back on track.

    What did you learn during your last cheat day?

    I had a treat meal last night out of my ordinary weekend binge.... What I learned.... IT SO WORTH IT! AHAHAHAHA... i had a renewed energy and will power pushing that weights earlier today coz of the excess carbs flowing in my blood! i dont sweat it nowadays, i know i have a goal to reach but when things like birthdays come, anniversary, or just a social catch up with friends, i dont worry about the calories too much as I know this is all part of the JOURNEY.... it never ends, its a balanced lifestyle that i chose to give myself a little bit of flexibility over the weekends and the good thing is fatloss is still happening and im more happier and sociable ;)
  • Lids84
    Lids84 Posts: 1
    Happy Birthday!!!

    My cheat days used to be a full day gorging event. Now I allow myself one meal which can vary from burger and poutine to carb heavy pasta and one dessert. It gives me something to look forward to without consuming like 6000 calories LOL
  • hilaria81
    hilaria81 Posts: 84 Member
    I went to a French bistro with my fiance the other night and consumed WAY too many calories. What I learned: after filling up on bread, soup, and an entree, ordering dessert was NOT worth it (even one of my all-time favorite desserts). My stomach can't handle that kind of meal anymore. I was ready to pass out!

    I also have been MUCH less hungry and in a pretty good calorie deficit for the couple of days since - so I'm hoping it's naturally balancing out.
  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    I learned that I can't be trusted to just cheat a little. I binge! I graze! I eat everything in sight! No more cheat days for me. :ohwell:
  • raggiemom
    raggiemom Posts: 139 Member
    Happy Birthday! My birthday was a few weeks ago...I treated myself to Chinese take out. I went a little over my calorie goal but I didn't beat myself up for it. I just got back on track. I don't have cheat days but I do have treats now and again. I try to keep them within my calorie goals. Some things are worth going a little over, as long as it doesn't become a habit.
  • adaybetter
    adaybetter Posts: 51 Member
    Today i did a cheat day also. Ate about 5k calories. I don't normally have a cheat day, just a meal. Today with work and someone site getting cancelled ( I do search engine optimization ) and being on the phone all day getting transferred here and there. I ate what i wanted...BLAH! back to normal tomorrow
  • ShreddingIt_84
    I learned that I never learn.... Im always gonna stuff myself then regret it but then ill forget about such event and do it again! :ohwell:
  • adaybetter
    adaybetter Posts: 51 Member
    I learned that I never learn.... Im always gonna stuff myself then regret it but then ill forget about such event and do it again! :ohwell:

    very common cycle there