B12 Vitamin

Was just curious of any of you take the B12 Vitamin. A friend of mine keep telling me that I should take it. I was just curious about what people thought about it, advantages, disadvantages? Thanks!


  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    If you are wanting to check into for energy purposes I'd suggest getting some blood work done. I was having issues with being extremely tired, (even with taking thyroid meds-I'm hypo) and my Vit D was almost non existent. I took a prescription for a while and then a few months ago started feeling the same way (because I was supposed to take a daily supplement and didn't) and once again my levels were super low. I'd always suggest getting levels checked if you think something is out of whack.
  • yuuen
    yuuen Posts: 114 Member
    I was taking it but I stopped recently. My vision was blurring to the point that I was too afraid to drive and worried that I would go blind. I got into a situation where I had to stop taking my multivitamin and B12 for a couple days and suddenly my eyesight got better. Hasn't gone back to blurriness since I stopped taking my vitamins.

    I don't know if it was the B12 or something else about the vitamins I was taking, BUT the point is...! I'd ask a doctor if you have any reason to be taking it before you start vitamins.
  • Mof3wc
    Mof3wc Posts: 126 Member
    I get monthly injections, but only because I can't absorb it any it her way, I'm missing that part of my intestine. Like everyone else said though, maybe get it checked before you just start taking it.
  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
    I have to get weekly injections for B12. I would not survive without it. I was always tired and constantly sick and I had severely low b12 levels. They work wonders for me! I would be in bed the whole week without them. Sure wish MFP had b12 as an option to track.
  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 141 Member
    Interesting, I need to get in and get my levels checked. I know my D is low but it's typical for me during the 9 months of no sun in Minnesota. I do take a daily D supplement but never thought of B12.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,722 Member
    B12 is notoriously hard to get outside of animal sources, so look into supplements if you are vegan.