Do you reward yourself?

Do you reward yourself when you hit certain points in your weight loss/fitness?

What kind of things are you rewarding yourself? What is your ULTIMATE reward for when you reach your goal?


  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    I do a small reward each time I drop down a "decade" in my weight, so 30s, 20s, 10s etc. Typically clothing since nothing fits. LOL

    Ultimate reward, I want to learn to scuba dive and hopefully visit the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. There is no way I'm getting in a wetsuit at this point. Haha
  • lujako
    lujako Posts: 87 Member
    Sort major motivating goal as been to get back to skydiving. Goal 220 = Reward ---> I can skydive again! Woot goal met! My ultimate goal of 140-150 will allow me to jump a smaller parachute! BTW smaller parachute means less fabric which means less packing! (You would understand if you saw my drawers!). Goal 140 = Reward ---> New parachute. :drinker:
  • honeymonster
    honeymonster Posts: 3 Member
    I try to look at the weight loss itself as a reward. Got to have something to show for all the hard work, right? :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I did very early on...then I realized that regardless of the weight loss or hitting that goal or whatever that to be healthy and fit was going to require me to just make fitness and nutrition a major part of my life and that this was really a lifetime endeavor. At this point, rocking my nutrition and fitness is just part of who I am and what I do...rewarding myself at this point would be like rewarding myself for brushing my teeth.

    That said, it can be beneficial in the beginning when habits have yet to be ingrained. I rewarded myself early on with little dinky things here and there that I just normally wouldn't spend money on. When I reached my initial goal last May I told myself I would buy myself a nice new bike if I could muster up 1,000 miles on the POS I had...I did that by August (and it was a pretty miserable 1,000 miles on that bike...I think it must have weighed 500 Lbs) and bought my CX bike which I love and pretty much ride daily.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    As I was trying on, and fitting into!, some summer dresses that had been long packed away this is the topic that came to mind.
    Fitting into those "maybe someday" clothes in the back of the closet is very rewarding!
    18 lbs. so far. Slowly but steadily. The first sign of success was I needed a ring guard, then my jeans were sliding off. Today there were photos and an article in the paper about a group I'm in - and I didn't cringe at my photo!

    My reward after six months of MFP is I decided to finally get a smartphone to take advantage of the bar code reader. We've had very basic cell phones for over a decade.

    The bonus is my husband said if he also got a smartphone he would join MFP also. So now we're doing it together!
    Today I'm going to figure out how to shot a selfie!!
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    My only "reward" is that I've heavily relaxed my budget when it comes to food. I spend more on steaks, fish and veggies than I used to, but then again I spend less on dining out and IPAs these days, so it works out about the same.
  • adstott
    adstott Posts: 102 Member
    I thought I would, but never did if I did it would be 25lbs, 50, 75, ect. Maybe I need to start!
  • RiseAboveCW
    RiseAboveCW Posts: 11
    Just started this journey (for the zillionth time). I did have great success about 2 years ago, I was running all the time, trail running with a group weekly and even finished my first 10K. I didn't "reward" myself then, but I was doing something that I LOVED and with that came a natural reward - weight loss, strength, confidence, happiness - a well-balanced me. I don't think I could have asked for a better reward.

    I fell off the tracks; I got terribly sick with the flu and was down for 2 weeks and just didn't get back to it. 2 years later and I can't even run a full mile! I keep thinking back about how good I felt and that I want that reward again. And, I'll get it! :)
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I just rewarded myself with a garmin foreunner 110 with HRM. I'm also going to reward myself with another pair of running shoes soon. I also want to reward myself with another pair of CEP compression socks. I'll be good with rewards for awhile until I need another pair of shoes again.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    When I started, I needed to lose 226 pounds. I broke it into smaller goals and rewarded myself as I met those goals:

    :smile: Get below 300 - buy the pilates machine I wanted with the 300 pound use limit
    :smile: Hit 250 - Pair of boots with heals I had my eye on, because for the first time in decades I can wear heals
    :smile: 150 off - Missed this one entirely, so when I got to 160 off I bought a ring, well actually my husband bought me a ring to wear in place of my wedding rings that are too big and won't be sized until I'm done losing

    None of this is necessary stuff. The new clothes I've gotten on the way down, I needed. Rewards are not needed, but earned. Next goal is get below 200 pounds, just 26 pounds away. I think this reward may be a new camera. The one after that is when I hit goal and I haven't decided on that one yet.

    I'm motivated to keep working towards goal everytime I look in the mirror because I am liking more and more the new me I see. The rewards are more of a way to commorate my journey, because frankly, even without them I would be doing this.
  • vastiris
    vastiris Posts: 56 Member
    New tattoo.... just haven't decided yet if I'm waiting until goal, or some point inbetween
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    My goals are usually clothing related, and i usually hit them and then backslide...

    When I get back into the single digits in my pants size -and not the kind with any stretch, and laying on the bed with a pair of pliers to get the zipper up doesn't count - then my reward will be a pinup style boudoir photo shoot. I want proof that I've reached my goal and let that be a constant reminder NOT to backslide.

    I found a place in Chicago that does your hair, nails, makeup and has a wide variety of pinup style fashions and accessories. It's pricey, but I can save the money by tucking away the money i used to spend on sodas, lattes, candy and junk food into a savings account.

    So, the goal? Get healthy, wear sexypants and STAY THAT WAY!
  • Jaquetta19
    Jaquetta19 Posts: 7
    Not really. Fitting into my normal size clothes is my gift and that's good enough for me.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    When I finally hit onederland, I'm getting a new iPod (four more pounds to go!). When I finally move from the obese category to the overweight category, I'm buying new shoes. I'm not sure what I'll do when I hit my goal weight. Shopping spree maybe.