Macros- not getting it right- should I be THAT worried?



  • samiejones1
    samiejones1 Posts: 35 Member
    I just had a look at your entry for Friday and there is an entry that is incomplete. You have selected Frankie & Bennys 7oz Rump Steak with Salad and it shows 0 g of protein. Someone has entered this item without putting any of the macro values for it. This is probably because the restaurant web site only shows calories for their dishes. If you look at other entries for rump steak, that amount will have somewhere in the range of 60 g of protein. Also most multi grain breads seem to have 4-5 g per 2 slices and butter has a bit as well. But the entries you are using don't have any protein listed. With those things added in, your protein total will be a bit better than it looks now.

    Thanks for this! Sounds stupidly obviously now but I've not even thought about this! I work away from home staying in hotels regularly so I have to eat out a lot (part of the reason I've managed to put on about 15lbs in a year!) and some menus/ websites only state total calories and don't break down the macros. Guess I shouldn't be quite so worried now!

    Will defiantly give some of your ideas a try!