Tried calories the mfp way too hungry changing to tdee

Well I have been doing mfp for 4 days now it gave me 1440 calories a day I have switched to this plan from weight watchers and decided what I would do is save my exercise calories and have them all on weekend as I use to get weekly points with ww but this has meant some days netting at 1000 even on days when I have eaten the full 1440 I'm still really really hungry mainly on a night time stomach feels like it's churning and burning, so my tdee is 1700 so I plan on having this most days but some days still save some calories for my Saturday night wine and goodies but I will make sure not to drop below 1300 calls on the days I do that which will only probably only be 3days out of the week I just generally feel really really hungry like my body is telling me I need more food, my only concern is that using fitness pals way and saving my exsersice calories for my Saturday night treats gives me a bigger deflect the run up to weigh day (Friday) as most my works outs are done sat- Thursday the TDEE way means I will be eating a couple more 100 before weigh in so hoping this won't make much a difference but bottom line is I can't feel like I'm starving I have to listen to my body plus as I will be having a bigger amount of calories most day I can have treats more regular meaning I probably won't need my treat day Saturday any more


  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    Punctuation is your friend.

    As are line breaks.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I see a couple days logged and they didn't hit the MFP suggested amount.

    1440 was given based on what you entered in, activity, weekly weight loss goal etc...

    You are given the option of exercise and eating back those calories...

    What you will find when you do use TDEE is that the calories from MFP + exercise calories are TDEE-20% (usually)...

    If you are saving calories that is why you are hungry...

    MFP gives you enough of a deficet to lose your weekly weight loss goal and the exercise is "extra"...but if you chose to exercise your body needs the extra fuel...
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    I'm not sure where the 1000 calorie figure came from. Do you mean some days you exercise so much without eating back calories that you net 1000?

    Why not eat 1400 plus a couple/three hundred more you "earn" by exercising?
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    The tool is only as good as the user. If you put unrealistic goals into MFP, it's going to give you unrealistic numbers. Deciding to net 1000 calories so you can stuff yourself on the weekend is generally not recommended.

    Punctuation is a good thing.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Saving your exercise calories for Saturday is not the MFP way.
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    1000 calories is how many calories I earn weekly and yes I have realised saving exercise calories is not good with how it's made me feel I do need to eat least half back i just think personally tdee would suit me better as 1700 calories on a Saturday would probably be enough for me without having to bank any work out calories
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    Also I put to lose 1lb a week which I think is realistic,
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    You have not been using MFP the way it is supposed to be used. Saving the calories for the weekend is something that does not match MFP, or TDEE for that matter.
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    Well I heard about calorie cycling so this is what I have been doing?? I'm new to this so that may be why am confused
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    why not just save friday's workout calories for saturday? that'd give you the 1700 you think is doable. instead of trying to save them ALL.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Didn't like system 1 so tried system 2 .. didn't like that so tried number 3 .. not sure about that either so I say I'm doing it but actually I'm not - doing my own thing instead ... guess what ... that's not working either .... WTF?

    How about this - PICK A PLAN AND STICK TO IT PROPERLY - Give it a chance!!!
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    Ok I have only been doing this few days I know this kind of thing gets asked a lot and I have asked this a LOad of times so Iam sorry I just have been feeling really weak on a night time

    Thanks for your advise x
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Presumably you mean you're going to eat your TDEE minus a percent? If you eat at TDEE you won't lose weight.
  • phoenixgirl81
    phoenixgirl81 Posts: 309 Member
    You switched to MFP from WW.

    MFP does not equal WW. Therefore, you can't/shouldn't use MFP as if it was WW and expect it to work.

    Use MFP the way MFP is designed to be used and you won't be hungry.

    You've been using MFP for 4 days and have already decided it doesn't work.

    You need to give it more time.

    Stick to it long enough to work.

    NOTHING will work if you a) don't follow it the way it was designed to be used and b) change it up every couple of days.

    MFP WORKS. In 18 months I lost 152+ lbs following it to a T. I ate the calories it gave me, based on a 1-1.5lb/wk loss for most of that time. I ate back almost all the calories I earned by exercising because I knew that the calorie allotment I was given already included a deficit. It works. Trust it. Follow it.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Ok I have only been doing this few days I know this kind of thing gets asked a lot and I have asked this a LOad of times so Iam sorry I just have been feeling really weak on a night time

    Thanks for your advise x

    A few days wont cut it mate ,, give it a proper go and do it properly .. WEEKS
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...What you will find when you do use TDEE is that the calories from MFP + exercise calories are TDEE-20% (usually)...

    This is true for me. LOL. MFP isn't that different from the TDEE method (at least in my case). I use MFP just because my exercise changes so much from day to day that's it's just easier to do MFP + exercise calories than it would be to keep adjusting my TDEE all the time. My TDEE just isn't consistent enough.
  • phoenixgirl81
    phoenixgirl81 Posts: 309 Member
    I just have been feeling really weak on a night time

    You're feeling weak because you're not eating enough. Eat your NET calories. You need to fuel your exercise, your recovery, etc)
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    Suppose my way of thinking wasn't right then and the whole calorie cycling thing my work out routine is the same each week so maybe tdee would be ok for me just to take out hassle it does work out same calories weekly just about as I said weekly tdee= 11900, weekly MFP inc work outs = 11180-1380 (depending if I do my longer work out on a Saturday) think it's physiological with me if I see 1700 just feels like I'm eating more even though it would be the same then I I was to eat mfp cals + work out cals,
  • jr235
    jr235 Posts: 201 Member
    Plenty of people have commented on the fact that you're not eating enough, so I won't get into that.

    I took a quick look through your diary, and I don't think you're getting enough fiber. I know for myself to be satisfied on fewer calories I need a LOT more fiber. Try combining your food types to see what keeps you full. For me its fat, protein, and fiber. I have to have at least one meal that is primarily fiber. This means lentils soup, some sort of bean salad, chili that is mostly beans, curry with beans, whatever. For myself I had to stop being afraid of fat. I was fat free everything for years, no oil, no butter, fat free milk, those horrible spray oils. I got one the other day just for greasing pans when making a crustless quiche. I gagged at the smell. Depending on what else I'm eating (not steak or chicken thighs) I always add a bit of good quality olive oil or butter.
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    Thanks for that my last weeks diary has been shocking if I'm honest I need more protein ect need to do huge food shop that's probably playing a big part in it all,
