Intuitive Eating

Hi guys,

I was wondering if anyone has tried intuitive eating and was successful in losing weight?
The last month or so I've been pretty much eating whatever I want. On the daily basis I eat anywhere from 1300-2600 and I guess on average I eat about ~1600 with those zig zags. I would say I lost a couple pounds or maintained. I'm not really sure-- clothes do fit better though.

After all these years of dieting and maintenance, I'm still a bit confused about maintenance. There's so many advocates of eating calories according to calculators, but I've never been able to eat that amount or lose weight at those calculated levels. I do have PCOS and IR, which I read lowers metabolism. I'm also 5'4, which may add to my body's overall efficiency? I don't know.


  • Gingerkid05
    Gingerkid05 Posts: 60 Member
    I am not very good at intuitive eating. I find myself lying to myself on how much I ate. Planning my meals is the most effective for me.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Intuitive eating was my first goal when I hit maintenance. I did it for a couple of months and went well below my goal. I was so afraid of overeating that I under ate to compensate because I was convinced in my mind that my portions and calories were too high. I scared myself a little with my continuous weight loss so I came back to MFP to log again. Sure enough, when I logged my intuitive eating I was well under. So I started logging again, paying special attention to my protein and calories. After about a month I stopped logging again to test myself and I did much better. After about 3-4 months of not logging, I didn't gain any weight but I missed the camaraderie of MFP. Now I have new goals of better fitness, so I will be sticking around. The daily logging is almost incidental.