Trying to stay motivated

Hey Everyone,

It's my 3 week to weigh and I didn't lose anything, but might have gained .6 and I am starting to get frustrated. I wasn't frustrated that I didn't lose weight because I know I didn't do my best at watching what I ate. I am doing really good and the gym and working out. I am just starting to get frustrated with having to watch what I eat and worrying about how many calories it is and if I have to workout extra hard that day. Also when my hubby and i take the kids out to eat which is usually once a weekend I haven't been looking for the healthier option I get what I normally would eat. How do you change your mind to eat other things then what you really want to eat? So as I start week #4 I want to get back to it and stay with it but I feel depressed about it and wanting to give up. So if anyone out there has any suggestions for me or any feed back I would love to hear it.



  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    It's certainly rough.... This morning, I'm having a hard time staying motivated too. So I can totally empathize!! But we mustn't give up! I know what I want to look like at the beach next summer... and I must take the steps now to get there.

    But how do you still enjoy going out to eat? I've started looking up the nutritional facts online for each restaurant before I go. I know the one thing I MUST have (i.e., steak fries at Red Robin). So what else can I get to still be able to enjoy my fries? Last week, it was the veggie burger (and I only ate 2/3 of it). My boyfriend and I have even discussed splitting a dish... so we can still enjoy the taste, but cut the calories in half. And through it all, drink even more water to help flush out the extra sodium. Heck, I sometimes even add a 30-minute cardio workout to my day to "earn" extra calories.

    And seriously.... going out to eat once a week is not a bad thing at all. It's good to let ourselves have a treat from time-to-time. Helps us to not binge on those days where we can't stand it anymore!

    Keep it up, girlfriend! Don't give up. The lull won't last forever. :-)
  • mlh612
    mlh612 Posts: 311 Member

    It's really hard to break what you have known for years. Just start with small baby steps and it will get easier as you "retrain" your body. So if you get a hamburger, no mayo and replace the side by veggies instead of fries. Just think you will feel better in the long run!! I have been trying to retrain my body for about 6 months. I have cut soda and coffee, and I am getting better at what I order when we are out. Hope this helps!! Good luck!
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    it's something that's really hard to do. some days i will sit there trying to find a way to eat what i want to, but then i ask myself, am i really going to do all that exercise? i know that once i eat whatever i wanted i WILL regret it, and i WON'T do the extra work outs i needed to be able to eat it. it all comes down to what you want more. do you want the immediate gratification of that one meal or do you want the success of losing the weight you want so bad to lose? it's hard to do, but if you can just start making little changes like that and finding things you like on the menu that are just as good, but healthier... you will be able to make better choices more easily. if it's a sandwich you like, start ordering it with a healthier side than fries. if it's the fries you want, get a side salad and a side of fries. it won't cut out that many calories from your meal, but it will help. maybe next time you go you will have the motivation to order something completely healthy!
  • englisa
    I think it comes and goes in spurtz (our motivation) and the amount of weight loss has a lot to do with it. I lost 8lbs and then right before my "girl time" i put back on 4!!! I knew the reason, but it sucks seeing it go up regardless. I wanted to give up - i even ate a 1200cal burger and didn't care. Until this morning :o)

    You've got to let each day be a fresh start where you forget the frustration of the previous day, week, etc and just get back on and keep trying. Also, princesslmc2 has a great point, checking the calories BEFORE you get to the restaurant - that way you can get your taste buds and your mind set on something you won't regret for later. depending on what kind of phone you have, you can also download the myfitnesspal application so you have it on the go - on most phones it FREE.

    Keep up the good work, you will be glad in the long run that you did. Also, you may want to increase your water intake, that also helps flush out a lot of the sodium that could cause you to retain fluids. :0)
  • mlh612
    mlh612 Posts: 311 Member
    We are at Red Robin quit a bit too!! Just FYI, my hubby found out they have a petite burger - you just have to request it... Any little thing help :smile:

    Red Robin
    The "Petite" Burger

    This small burger was removed from the menu, but the kitchen still makes it—and it has about half the calories of the standard 931- calorie cheeseburger. If you're embarrassed asking for a petite, just ask for the "smaller" size. They'll understand.

    Read more:
  • sandyvanderstelt
    I know it probably sounds dumb now, but you get used to it, in fact you will start to like the healthier stuff more. I prefer turkey burgers over regular, they are good! also, i dont even like fries anymore or any deep fried food. you actually start craving healthy stuff instead of sweets and what not.. dont give up! its hard but worth it :) i've lost almost 70 lbs so far and it feels so good! also, one thing i did when i was first starting out was give myself a cheat day. so maybe eat really good all weekend and then that one day you guys go out, have what you want! it gives you something to look forward to, and you dont go crazy :) good luck!