

So you can eat whatever you want and lose weight...but it's not healthy (well duh!) but I actually enjoyed this...proved how fad diets worked, plus gave insight on how you don't have to allow yourself some of the pleasures of food that are bad for you, just limiting the intake. (Anyway thought I would share.) I know a lot of people don't agree with me, about eating whatever, just in moderation and trying to be healthier then I was, but that's just who I am, and it is working for me. I just thought this was an interesting article that might help some people not feel too bad if they have a twinkie a day or whatever, plus it helps bring into light some of what MFP does.

I hope everyone has a good day!


  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    I agree with you. All things in moderation! If I were to cut out something completely that I love I know I would eventually fail. With knowing I am allowed to fit the not so good choices in when I really want something is liberating and I have been able to lose 53 pounds doing it. I plan to eat like this my entire life.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Interesting. Personally I eat what I want. You can eat good tasting and still make better choices. I just tweak it a bit. Really after you change what you eat it doesn't seem like you have a NEED for the things you did before. I actually enjoy eating better. His experiment was interesting though.