If you hate all those upbeat, smily workout DVDs...

I suggest trying the skinny ***** series- Boot Camp, BODY, and Booty Bounce. They come off as 2 regular girls making their way through a workout. They are supportive, but they admit when the moves are tough and tell you how tired they are and that it burns and is supposed to burn. They don't have big cheesy grins and they do get off step sometimes. I tried the Body DVD this morning and I like it so much better than those P90X cheeseheads telling me that it feels great to bust my butt. (PS- they don't mention veganism during the workout at all so no worries carnivorous friends)


  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Awesome--where did you get the DVD? I am so over bubbly people on workout DVDs!
  • gupton11
    I like Pavel Tsatsouline's videos.
  • kiuney
    kiuney Posts: 68
    I've done one of The Biggest Loser videos and I'd recommend it. There are regular folk in them rather than plastic automatons and they often get off the beat, mess up, etc. Not hard to follow either.
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    Nicole Eggert's workouts on Exercise TV are also good, it's a personal training instructing the viewers and her what to do, but you can tell she's working hard at it. No cheesy grins there.
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    I've seen the Turbo Fire trailers and they're so "WOOOOAHH, YEAH!! COME ON!!!" that it totally put me off. I realise we Brits don't do all that stuff anyway but the cringe factor was too much for me. I love the Skinny B!tch books so I'll check out their work outs too. Sounds great! (wooah, yeah, etc,etc) ;-)
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    I've never liked workout videos! Always loved the gym, but am trying to approach things a little differently right now. I'm doing 3 of Jillian michaels videos & her 30 slimdown.
    The videos are kicking my butt!! This is no sissy workout!
    I'd recommend them!!
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    I have a DVD that was in a pack of 10 that I bought - it's from the early 90s and it's a great workout - the instructor is bubbly and happy. I don't mind the upbeat, smiley ones but in moderation :)
  • rosef17
    rosef17 Posts: 89
    I actually dusted off the vcr and got tapes on amazon -- nothing like the early Jane Fonda's and the original Tae Bo, plus they are cheap
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Hmmm...haven't seen all but two videos...one of them is an AM Yoga video with Rodney Yee and the other is Jillian MIchael's 30-Day shred. The Yoga is good when I just want to take it a little easier and work on flexibility, the Shred is great when i really want to work up a sweat. Both of them seem pretty down to earth.
  • squishyfishy
    I always liked Davina Mccall because they were short but hard workouts and you could switch off her talking lol.