Too Much Fat, Not Enough Protein, Help!



  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Thank you everyone... Seriously.

    I will definitely start planning some things out instead of throwing a bunch of stuff in my lunch box and calling it a meal.

    I feel pretty ignorant when it comes to the foods I'm eating. I feel like I know NOTHING. I know it's a learning process, but I can't help but feel like a moron.

    Is brown rice better for you than white rice? I'm trying to figure out in my head what I can start bringing for meals..

    If you aren't weirded out about ordering food online (some people are. I love ordering stuff online, so much more variety) you can look into Black Bean Spaghetti, Mung Bean Fettuccine and Skinni Spaghetti as pasta "replacements". They all still have carbs (less than regular pasta), but way more fiber and they also pack a good dose of protein along with it. Those 3 are the only pastas I eat now. I've prepared them all in different ways- traditional marinara, white sauces, red wine sauces, olive oil, pasta salads, etc. I've loved them all the different ways I've tried them (so has my BF, and he's weird about anything that's better for you...). You can also look into quinoa & split moong dal as higher protein rice subs. Here are some links to where I find these foods:

    Black Bean Spaghetti:

    Mung Bean Fettuccine:

    Skinni Spaghetti:

    Split Moong Dal:

    Good luck! Feel free to message me if you have any questions or need any recipe ideas! I'm obsessed with cooking :smile:
  • ChriJMitch
    ChriJMitch Posts: 70 Member
    I pretty much noticed right away from your food diary that you have WAY too many carb sources. Carbs are evil little buggers. You need some, but nearly as much as you are taking in. The source of the calories is really important. Not all calories are created equal.

    When looking at the mobile version of MFP, hit the "Daily" tab at the top, and then click on the pie chart option off to the right. It will give you a breakdown of your macro nutrients for each day you logged. You should try shooting for a ratio of, at minimum, 35% protein/ 35% carb/ 30% fat. If you really want to go for it, go 40% protein or higher, with carbs at staying at 35% or lower.

    Essentially, things you want to avoid:
    -Fried Food of any kind
    -White Potatoes
    -White Rice
    -Man made flours, breads, crackers etc. Whole grain breads are okay in extreme moderation
    -Most hard cheeses
    -Any and all kinds of pop, sugary drinks, etc.
    -Obviously sweets and other empty calorie sources such as alcohol

    You might want to invest in some whey protein shake mix as meal replacement/supplement (I would suggest a whey isolate). Will help you meet your protein goals and gives you meals with the correct balance you want. Most of the other posts here had good suggestions for other types of lean meats to add to your diet.
  • supadee718
    Try snacks like Turkey Jerky and greek yogurt. I like Perky Jerky because the turkey is like in sodium and it taste great. You get them at the check out at Walmart.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    Is brown rice better for you than white rice? I'm trying to figure out in my head what I can start bringing for meals..

    In the end, they are gonna result the same...
    The brown rice may break down a bit slower.

    I eat a lot of steamed white rice......
    I don't care for brown so much.
  • dramallamaduck
    dramallamaduck Posts: 97 Member
    Thank you everyone... Seriously.

    I will definitely start planning some things out instead of throwing a bunch of stuff in my lunch box and calling it a meal.

    I feel pretty ignorant when it comes to the foods I'm eating. I feel like I know NOTHING. I know it's a learning process, but I can't help but feel like a moron.

    Is brown rice better for you than white rice? I'm trying to figure out in my head what I can start bringing for meals..

    If you aren't weirded out about ordering food online (some people are. I love ordering stuff online, so much more variety) you can look into Black Bean Spaghetti, Mung Bean Fettuccine and Skinni Spaghetti as pasta "replacements". They all still have carbs (less than regular pasta), but way more fiber and they also pack a good dose of protein along with it. Those 3 are the only pastas I eat now. I've prepared them all in different ways- traditional marinara, white sauces, red wine sauces, olive oil, pasta salads, etc. I've loved them all the different ways I've tried them (so has my BF, and he's weird about anything that's better for you...). You can also look into quinoa & split moong dal as higher protein rice subs. Here are some links to where I find these foods:

    Black Bean Spaghetti:

    Mung Bean Fettuccine:

    Skinni Spaghetti:

    Split Moong Dal:

    Good luck! Feel free to message me if you have any questions or need any recipe ideas! I'm obsessed with cooking :smile:

    Food should be an adventure!! I think I may have to order some of this stuff! It sounds so interesting :happy:

    I will definitely be messaging you for some recipe ideas. I also looked at I am hijacking the kitchen tonight and making jalepeno popper chicken. Leftovers will be lunch next week! Om nom nom!
  • dramallamaduck
    dramallamaduck Posts: 97 Member
    Thank you everyone... Seriously.

    I will definitely start planning some things out instead of throwing a bunch of stuff in my lunch box and calling it a meal.

    I feel pretty ignorant when it comes to the foods I'm eating. I feel like I know NOTHING. I know it's a learning process, but I can't help but feel like a moron.

    Is brown rice better for you than white rice? I'm trying to figure out in my head what I can start bringing for meals..

    If you need carbs brown rice is better but you need lean protiens. Tuna, skinless chicken breast, pork tenderloin, flank steak, greek yogurt, an egg, salmon, shrimp......... Lots of good choices.

    You'll probably be better off cutting out carbs that are processed so brown rice, oat meal, good dense breads (not soft fluffy, processed).

    Also, you'd do well to spend about $25 on a digital food scale.

    I am in LOVE with my food scale.

    I my mind, a decent meal will have a little bit of everything in it. Some complex carbs, lean protein and good fats. Oh and veggies. I know I don't eat enough veggies.
  • Amestris
    Amestris Posts: 152 Member
    Some suggestions for quick and easy breakfast greek yogurt and fruit, with oatmeal. One the weekend I make a dozen baked oatmeal muffins which I wrap and throw in the freezer. I vary the flavor of the muffins this week was strawberry banana. I sliced them in half in the morning and add a tablespoon of greek yogurt cream cheese along with my yogurt and fruit. Simple easy quick.

    The more you can plan ahead of time with your busy schedule the easier if will be for you to achieve your goals. Just take it one step at a time.
  • ovi212
    ovi212 Posts: 145 Member
    I often have egg whites (1/2c in the microwave for 1min 40 sec) and a 50cal greek yogurt if I need more protein. It hardly has any fat but 22g of protein! I'm also in the office all day so for lunch I pack lettuce wraps (deli meat or pre cooked chicken breast from the weekend, red pepper and cucumber and mustard) and then I also pack a lot of pre-cut vegetables. An apple and more eggwites or yogurt is a good afternoon snack for me. Low fat foods I like are oatmeal (robin hood quick oats with cocoa, cinnamon or splenda), 100 cal popcorn bags, sugar free jello, kashi granola bars, and laughing cow light with celery. Try and experiment to see what vegetables you like. Adding a lot of them in can help you be full and avoid fatty high calorie foods. I like baked zucchini, sweet potatoe, spaghetti squash, butternut squash and egg plant as a hot side. I find them more satisfying than cold vegetables. I save cucumber, celery, pepper and carrots mostly for snacks but I like them cooked too.
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    Lower your fatty foods / carbs - increase protein. Grilled chicken/baked chicken/ low fat cheeses/beef jerk/protein shakes/greek yogurt (0 or 2% fat)

    My diary is open if you need an idea. (I wouldn't recommened this week as I've been eating like a monster, look at last week's)
  • sshintaku
    sshintaku Posts: 228 Member
    What's better? Baked chicken or grilled chicken?

    I will definitely start making some changes to my intake. I work as a teacher with an hour commute, and quite often I'm running late. I usually have to resort to eating breakfast in my car. Can any recommend some behind the wheel friendly foods? Or should I bite the bullet and drag my butt out of bed much earlier?

    I've noticed that I feel like I'm STARVING during the day, but I'm definitely going to use some of the suggestions here for the lean protein. Are the snacks I'm eating ok? (Raw almonds, string cheese, dried cranberries, apples)

    One thing I'm worried about is trying to eat cleaner. Not sticking to any specific diet (paleo, veggie, vegan, etc...) just trying to be clean. Fewer preservatives, less processed. I know my diary probably doesn't reflect that, but that is the ultimate goal.

    Fellow teacher here and I spent two years doing an hour commute. For breakfast, I did a boiled egg and a fruit. Sometimes oatmeal in the car, sometimes a shake.
    For dinner, I am a big fan of the crockpot. Throw stuff in the night before, turn it on in the morning, and then whenever you get home, you have food!
  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    Twice a week I bake / hard boil eggs and store them in the fridge for a quick grab and go breakfast. You could peel them first so you can eat them while you are driving.

    I also usually have a fruit in the morning like cut up apples, a banana or another easy to travel type of fruit. If you can add some nut butter with the apples to add more protein.

    You could keep some greek yogurt and mix in some fruit like raspberries for a nice high protein and fiber snack.

    If you are starving during the day it's probably because you aren't eating much breakfast at all. I'm not sure what that watermelon stuff is but veggie chips aren't very healthy and I can't imagine that the drink you are taking is either. If you bulk up your breakfast and add some healthy fat and protein you probably won't be starving.

    As for exercise what about walking? That's a great way to get some exercise and it's low impact and easy to start with.
  • dramallamaduck
    dramallamaduck Posts: 97 Member
    Twice a week I bake / hard boil eggs and store them in the fridge for a quick grab and go breakfast. You could peel them first so you can eat them while you are driving.

    I also usually have a fruit in the morning like cut up apples, a banana or another easy to travel type of fruit. If you can add some nut butter with the apples to add more protein.

    You could keep some greek yogurt and mix in some fruit like raspberries for a nice high protein and fiber snack.

    If you are starving during the day it's probably because you aren't eating much breakfast at all. I'm not sure what that watermelon stuff is but veggie chips aren't very healthy and I can't imagine that the drink you are taking is either. If you bulk up your breakfast and add some healthy fat and protein you probably won't be starving.

    As for exercise what about walking? That's a great way to get some exercise and it's low impact and easy to start with.

    The watermelon stuff is a supplement that helps my energy levels. Recently I've been having a lot of medical issues and my fatigue is through the roof. I've cleared it with my doctor, and it's better than soda.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Thank you everyone... Seriously.

    I will definitely start planning some things out instead of throwing a bunch of stuff in my lunch box and calling it a meal.

    I feel pretty ignorant when it comes to the foods I'm eating. I feel like I know NOTHING. I know it's a learning process, but I can't help but feel like a moron.

    Is brown rice better for you than white rice? I'm trying to figure out in my head what I can start bringing for meals..

    If you need carbs brown rice is better but you need lean protiens. Tuna, skinless chicken breast, pork tenderloin, flank steak, greek yogurt, an egg, salmon, shrimp......... Lots of good choices.

    You'll probably be better off cutting out carbs that are processed so brown rice, oat meal, good dense breads (not soft fluffy, processed).

    Also, you'd do well to spend about $25 on a digital food scale.

    I am in LOVE with my food scale.

    I my mind, a decent meal will have a little bit of everything in it. Some complex carbs, lean protein and good fats. Oh and veggies. I know I don't eat enough veggies.

    I don't always try to get "complex carbs, lean protein and good fats" in each meal but I make sure I get each (and a green veggie) throughout the day. But your new goals sound like you're on the right track.
  • melissa_bebb

    I will definitely start making some changes to my intake. I work as a teacher with an hour commute, and quite often I'm running late. I usually have to resort to eating breakfast in my car. Can any recommend some behind the wheel friendly foods? Or should I bite the bullet and drag my butt out of bed much earlier?

    I like to make egg sandwiches on either a bagel thin or whole wheat english muffin. When I get up, I go straight to the kitchen, spray a little olive oil spray in a ramekin and pop in an egg. I set the timer and let bake on 350 for about 12 mins. I then go shower and get ready. If the timer goes off before I'm ready, I just take my egg out of the oven and finish getting ready. I add that to a toasted muffin/bagel with a couple slices of deli meat or turkey bacon.
  • rubixrube3
    rubixrube3 Posts: 2 Member
    SO here's the deal. Fat can be addictive, especially if you are eating unhealthy fats.There are saturated, trans, polysaturated, monosaturated fats. They are not all created equal. Trans fats is very unhealthy, and is in most commercial fried foods. If you are craving fat, try some nuts, or half an avocado.

    Low fat or non fat greek yogurt is delicious and a great source of low fat protein. Plain and add some fruit or non sugar jam. protein satisfies your hunger longer. Like above baked chicken, baked fish, even canned tuna is a good quick protein, i eat low fat string cheese is a good snack as it has only like 50 calories and is tasty.

    A lot of us are not taught good eating habits. Good for you to re-learn it the right way!! Good luck and don't give up.
  • 503pdx
    503pdx Posts: 31
    I agree with most posters, lean protein! I love Edamame (soy beans) for a snack and I start my day with a Whey protein shake, 1/2 cup yogurt, 1/2 cup milk, frozen fruit and 1 scoop (30g protein). It takes less than 5 mins for me to throw it in my Magic Bullet and take it with me. It feels like I'm eating ice cream too but very low overall calories.

    You are seriously upside down on your calories too. You don't eat much during the day and then eat most of your calories in the afternoon or evening. You need to turn that around. Eat big at breakfast if you're going to. Take hardboiled eggs for your car ride. Or scramble some eggs with turkey bacon and cheese in a low carb tortilla and take it to go. You can even make it the night before.

    PLANNING is your best friend. You know what you are going to eat, when and have it mapped out. It helps prevent the temptation to eat out. That HAS to stop. Plan your next day and log it ahead of time, like the night before. Then take what you've already weighed and marked out for the next day and eat it at your own pace. I'll take 2-3 hours to eat my lunch if I have several things, snacking on one piece at a time. Keeps your metabolism up and you feeling full but also sticking to a pre-portioned amount of calories.

    I also noticed you load up with caffeine in the morning but I don't see you tracking any water intake. Water is your best friend. You should be drinking TONS of water throughout your day. Especially if you are going to drink caffeine.

    Good luck!!!
  • dramallamaduck
    dramallamaduck Posts: 97 Member
    I'm so glad I revisited this topic today!

    I had baked chicken for breakfast. I have to admit, It was REALLY WEIRD!! But holy moly did it taste heavenly. And I didn't really start getting hungry until it was time for my lunch break.

    I should have grabbed another baggie of chicken for lunch, because here I am, 2 hours later and hungry again. Luckily I packed apples, cucumbers, string cheese, and a grape fruit for snacks. I'm also planning on doing a little bit more of precooking tonight and hopefully picking up some cottage cheese.

    I didn't get my eggs for breakfast. Dad took FOREVER in the bathroom this morning, and I can't do anything until I get my morning pee in.