Working out, dieting, only lost 4 lbs in 3 months.



  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    Thank you guys so much! I definitely don't eat enough protein...which is weird because I love all of it! I think I almost have a mental block thinking "Nope, bacon is too many calories, chicken wings are too many calories, salmon is too fatty, almonds are too fatty..." I know its insane. I know I sound silly. I just need to re-think my approach I guess. And drink way more water.

    So, okay...another question...a lot of you are telling me to weigh my food, and stop using the generic lists of foods...which I totally agree with, BUT HOW do you log something if you go out to eat? For example- tonight I am going out for Tapas with my best friend- I have NO idea what is in most of the do you guys do that? Or do you just avoid going out to eat? (I dont think I can do that...)

    Thank you all again! Seriously- so much!

    Log it the best as you can, it's better to over-estimate than underestimate when it comes to cheat meals. As for your regular days, weigh everything you put into your mouth. You'll be able to figure out why you're only losing 4 lbs in 3 months etc.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    The most concise answer I'll give you is that you're not CONSISTENT with your eating. The idea of "dieting" to lose weight usually last a short period before people who are on it go nuts and end up eating stuff they miss.
    That's why there's MFP. To help people count their calories and stay within limits. There are many here that eat 80/20 like myself and "cheat" everyday. We just don't go over board.
    Now like you I have a "date" night with my wife every week. We split the entree every time. Saves money and calories.

    Try being consistent for 2 weeks and watch what happens.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • 52dave62
    52dave62 Posts: 28
    I looked at your diary just thru Monday, and Yeah, you are NOT eating enough. You are depending on that protein powder too much, and I noticed you are not logging in any beverage. Water does a body good, its kind of real important.:drinker:
  • ncrugbyprop
    ncrugbyprop Posts: 96 Member
    I think youre right- on my cheat days I go all out. Well, for one meal anyway. In the morning I tend to stick to my regular breakfast, but for lunch I'll have something bad like a BLT, and then for dinner (I usually make my cheat night the same night as our date night!) I will have bread, and butter, and wine, and another wine, and my entrée isnt always healthy either. Although I do usually get fish, so thats not so bad I guess? I think its the bread and booze that gets me every time. I also seem to cave on the weekends a lot. Not just having one cheat day, but two. Ugh...maybe that has been my whole problem. Undoing everything the week has done on the weekends. Thank you so much for your reply!

    I think if you reflect on your post a little more it will continue to become clear. There is a solid chance that going from no workouts to a significant amount of excercise you're eating more than you think you are as your body is telling you its HUNGRY! Also, healthy sounding meals at restaraunts frequently have a lot more calories, fat, sodium etc. than you think.

    Relax, compose your diet plan and give it a few weeks and then see if the result are there.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Good advice from everyone.
    You should also measure at least every other week. You can be changing size and not have it show up on the scale.
  • Sawjer
    Sawjer Posts: 229 Member
    You are probably making gym gains, muscle mass substituting fat loss. How are you looking / feeling? I weighed more when I first started doing the gym hardcore but toned up, so weight was irrelevant.