On my journey(just found this site)

Hello Friends!

I'm just stopping in to say hello to all of you and congratulate those of you on your way to your goals and to say "You can do it!" to those of you that are just starting up! I'm a 25 year-old male, from Wisconsin and In February I weighed 230 pounds, the most I've ever weighed. In early March, I began consistently working out(running mostly)and eating healthier and currently I sit at 204 pounds! I still have work to do as my ultimate goal is to get more toned and defined. At 6'6", I think that 204 is a solid base weight in order to add muscle definition and mass. Anyways, I wanted to express how happy I am to have found a community of people just like me and wanted to share my story a little bit! Keep working everyone, it will reap rewards down the road!