Hi Everyone

Hi everyone!

I am at a bit of a crossroads with my weight and am making the decision now to get it under control. I am 24, 5'5'', small/medium frame, and just under 150 lbs. I am still considered a "healthy weight" by my doctor's standards, but I know my current habits will lead to gaining a pound or two a year, and one day I will wake up overweight. So, something has to change. I've noticed over the past year or so my body is changing somewhat - storing more fat in the middle section and having a more womanly figure. I don't mind curves a bit, but it seems that my metabolism is changing and I need to adjust my habits now.

I eat fairly healthy and have the support of an awesome husband who works out 6 days a week and encourages me to drink more water and eat 6 small meals a day. (What would I do without this man!?) He does endurance running competitions and sports, but I really hate running.

I have to remind myself that when I eat my meals with him, I can't eat as much as him. I can't pack the same lunch as him. He is 175 lbs and 6'1'', I am not! :) I am pretty active and in okay physical condition. We go on HIIT runs 3 times a week, do insanity circuit workouts twice a week, and I swim laps at least once a week when he goes on his 10K runs. My weakness is in my diet and keeping myself motivated to do the workouts even when I have other things that need to get done (laundry, work projects, etc... there is always something!)

So, here I am. Trying to get potential weight gain under control and get back to my healthiest weight at around 130-135 lbs. Hoping to get involved a bit in this community to keep me motivated because I know it will take several months to shed these "vanity" pounds, and I will have to change my lifestyle to maintain it long term. I'm ready!

