110 lbs to lose

Also looking for ppl with 110 or so pounds to lose to share ideas, support, etc. Hey Ya'all.


  • R_Woodruff
    R_Woodruff Posts: 74 Member
    You can add me I had 100 lbs to lose and right now I'm almost half way to my goal. I know where you've been, but trust me it gets so much better!
  • funkim55
    funkim55 Posts: 216 Member
    You have taken the first step towards success by joining MFP!!! Log your food faithfully, get some exercise in and take it 20 pounds at a time. Don't worry about how far you have to go!!! This is a journey not another diet. Good Luck!!!
  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    Add me! I'm working on 100 lost. Who knows, 110 may end up being possible!
  • Good Luck!
  • authormariono
    authormariono Posts: 2 Member
    hey I'm looking for fitness buddies on this :) have 100lbs to loose myself
  • tbs41
    tbs41 Posts: 8
    Add me for sure :-) I have 94 lbs to lose, just started yesterday! I hope that having support and accountability from others will help keep me honest and on track. I'd like to add all you guys!
  • mceidsness
    mceidsness Posts: 28 Member
    Me too :) Recommended for me to lose 100 to 110, just seems like such a long road, but we'll get there!! :) I think the accountability is key too. Good luck to all!
  • Id love to loose 100+, but taking baby steps! Welcome to the journey, give yourself some smaller goals, that will help you with the big -100 along the way! Good luck :)
  • Bjamino
    Bjamino Posts: 51 Member
    You can add me if you like, 100lbs down at the moment. It can be done :)
  • You can add me, I have accepted the challenge and moving! This is a journey and as long as I remind myself it didnt come in a day so it will take longer than a day. I will be fine.
  • norcaldoll
    norcaldoll Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me, I have lost 29 lbs out of the 100 I set a goal of losing! :)