My Hear Rate

lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
Ok, I have a "cardio" heart rate is suppose to be 153 based on weight, age, etc...I can usually hit this target no problem within 5-6 minutes of cardio...but yesterday for some reason I couldn't push past 147. I tried three different machines and 45 minutes worth of cardio, and I still couldn't reach 153. Some suggestions so far have been that my heart is conditioned so it's stronger and has to pump less, or I don't have enough resistance. But here's the tricky part, I am buring WAY more calories that I ever have before doing cardio. Usually I burn about 200-300, but yesterday I burned almost 400 calories, so should I be worried about my heart rate or should I just go on my merry way?


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    The bad news is, as you get more fit, your heart rate will start to say lower, which means will have to work harder and faster in the future.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Oh crap! I already feel like i'm dying...i'd rather lift an hour of weights than do half an hour of cardio....cardio is the devil:devil: And you're saying I have to work HARDER????:grumble: great! that's what i get for going to the gym on a regular basis lol