My Passover Strategy

Having friends for Passover Seder next Monday.
Lately I was being too loosy goosy on my diet so I have decided not to give in to excuses anymore (birthdays, holidays, stress-days... you know)

So this is me envisioning what I will do on that food laden dinner:

1. Focus on people, not food
2. Skip dessert, this is a trigger and I don't even like the dessert list we came up with
3. Enjoy the Matza ball soup because it's important for me
4. Eat slowly and opt for veggies
5. Remember that there is no law against not eating from each dish
6. Pack take-away boxes for the guests (we do this every time)
* reminding that we will be packing take-out for people will help me not over eat, because I know someone will get to enjoy it, and it won't go to waste.

What is YOUR holiday strategy?


  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    My Passover strategy usually involves sacrificing a lamb and smearing the blood over my door.....but seriously, I have had passover dinners and they are pretty low calorie and not too tasty. So why worry?
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    My Passover strategy usually involves sacrificing a lamb and smearing the blood over my door.....but seriously, I have had passover dinners and they are pretty low calorie and not too tasty. So why worry?

    What kind of Passover do YOU have!?
    My family Passovers have always been far too tasty!!
    I think you're just getting the wrong brand of Matzah ;)

    I'm not doing a Seder because I'm away at school + I'm working. But, I have bought some Passover staple foods and I already plan my meals a head of time.. so I'll be eating Passover foods all week! Already portioned out :)
  • releasingitforgood
    releasingitforgood Posts: 11 Member
    This is a tough holiday for me for many reasons. Besides just trying to just follow the foods, this is the one time of year where I can get things easily that fit in with my dietary restrictions year-round. This holiday is a dream for those of us with Celiac Disease (no wheat, rye, barley, most oats). I can get ready-made delicious cakes and various pastries, safe kishke and kugels, jars of safe gefilte fish and oh, the Kosher frozen items - blintzes, Tuv Taam - actual frozen meals, etc. I've been avoiding every store with a Kosher for Passover section because I don't trust myself. It makes me sad, because there are some things I'd like to get to stock up for the year (Leiber's makes a ton of gluten-free items, but the Kneidle mix - gluten free matzoh balls sans matzoh - matzoh is wheat - I usually buy enough boxes to have throughout the year). I've been trying to think of how I'm going to eat at the seder at a family member's home and told myself I'm going to stick to the vegetables and chicken or turkey. I'm bringing the sweet and sour meatballs, so I know the calorie count for a few of those. I've been working so hard, I just don't want to derail myself, but keep reminding myself this is one meal during the week and I can recover if I wind up having a bit more than I'd planned afterwards as needed. Wishing all a meaningful holiday.
  • writer190
    writer190 Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you for posting this! I just started focusing on calories and weight, and I'm pretty nervous about the Seders. I'm definitely going to keep your strategies in mind. I think I will also focus, throughout the week, on the positive dietary changes I'll be making. I'm sure I'll be eating more protein, less empty calories, and more vegetables, because there won't be many other choices. Hopefully, even after Passover ends, I'll continue to eat increased lean protein and vegetables!
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I'm sorry this is 'off topic' - but I just heard about the shootings at the Jewish Community Center in Kansas and I"m absolutely sickened..........I wanted to give a shout-out to all of the fellow Jews on MFP - thinking of all of you - have a safe, happy Passover.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    We're not having a normal Passover this year, since we have some family members that are out of commission due to surgery and illness. Instead of the whole extended family it's just going to be us and some close friends. Unfortunately the only day that works for everyone is Wednesday, meaning we have to entertain on a weeknight and I have to be very careful with my calories throughout the day so I can enjoy my husband's amazing cooking! The upside is that I don't really like Passover desserts, so that won't be tempting me.

    Here is the only Passover dessert that I really enjoy, and I'm not even making it this year because it's very decadent:

    Matzoh Toffee (known in our house as Matzoh Crack)
  • releasingitforgood
    releasingitforgood Posts: 11 Member
    Here is the only Passover dessert that I really enjoy, and I'm not even making it this year because it's very decadent:

    Matzoh Toffee (known in our house as Matzoh Crack)

    That does sound fantastic! I won't be making it, either! lol Although there are some awful ready-made desserts, years back I discovered Schick's bakery. They're out of NY but ship all around (I'm in the Chicago area) and their cakes are gluten-free as well and phenomenal. So you might want to avoid those, too. I'm trying really hard and when I make a stop today to get some things, I'm going to try to remember that as good as it tastes, I want to be at my goal more than I - ok, maybe not more than I really want cake, but trying to keep my priorities straight. :-) (I keep repeating "sister's wedding in July, sister's wedding July") lol
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member

    6. Pack take-away boxes for the guests (we do this every time)
    * reminding that we will be packing take-out for people will help me not over eat, because I know someone will get to enjoy it, and it won't go to waste.

    This is a great strategy for every holiday!!!
  • Zohar94
    Zohar94 Posts: 25 Member
    So this passover was pretty hard! ate a lot of matzah and way to much chremzelish and stuff. And also did not feel full as easily as with bread so i ate a lot.
    But whatever! I did not gain weight so thats pretty okay for passover! now going further with the normal eating/losing weight :)
    enjoy the chometz!