Hello Everybody :)

Hey everybody! I'm Kristen, I'm 28 years old and I'm married and a mother of two boys ages 2 and 5 with the potential for a third in the future. I have struggled with my weight constantly throughout my life. I worked hard in College and rather than gain the freshman 15 I managed to lost 60lbs in about 6 months. After my first pregnancy I managed to bounce back to my pre pregnancy weight right quick, then I gained some weight in between him being born and getting pregnant with my second (in part due to bad eating habits but also influenced by multiple long term medications that increase weight) So when I got pregnant with my second I took for granted the way in which my body co-operated the first time and didnt work to get my body back after he was born and needless to say it didn't get back to where it was. I am 5'9.5" and as of day one of this adventure I weighed 199lbs. I live a relatively sedentary lifestyle sadly enough, in part due to laziness and also because of knee problems and consistent back problems stemming from my first pregnancies epidural followed by a herniated disc and poor muscle tone. I am not proud of my sedentary lifestyle and the choices I've made in the past. My attempts in the past to lose weight always became detoured one way or another but I am determined this time, I NEED to do it! I have decided to set 2 goals because I don't necessarily want to focus on a scale...so I have decided I want to reach 150-155llbs OR a size 10 dress size (I am currently a 16) so whichever comes first I will go from there. I need to stay motivated...so far in the first week I have taken on the 1,200 calorie a day intake as well as completely cutting out pop (a big deal for me) and upped so far to 69oz of water a day (and growing by day) small steps for some but big for me...ive gotten past the withdrawl like symptoms from lack of sugar/caffiene and am starting to feel less grumpy and more enthusiastic. Feel free to add me as a friend and lets get er done! lol thanks :)