Losing body fat without heavy lifting

Now before I even start, I LOVE LIFTING HEAVY!!!! I do it 3-4 times a week!
My actual issue is I have surgery in just over a month and actually have to stop all upper body workouts in just over a week. I will continue to do heavy legs right up until surgery and increase my cardio but I would like to know will it be easy to drop these last few kilos I want to shed (minimum 3kg, don't really care for numbers, would just like to see my overall body fat % drop. I'm roughly at 24% according to my mums fitbit aria)

My current routine is 2x Crossfit classes, 2 x heavy gym weight sessions plus maybe 2-3 cardio (steady & HiIIT)
I eat 1600 calories, can't remember what my macro break up is but Fat - 62g, carbs - 120g, protein 140g. - Only one cheat meal per week and that's on my heavy leg day.
After next week I will have to drop the weights ( plan to do two leg days - one light/ one heavy) and increase cardio.
Stats: 63kg, 164cm and have 5 weeks until surgery.

Any tips? Should I lower my calories? Am I even eating the right amount currently? Ahhhh this losing fat stuff is hard and confusing.
Should I take a fat burner (will only have 3 weeks to take it before I'm required to stop, should I even bother? Oxyshred made me cranky as hell and didn't work) any other supplements that could possibly greatly alter my change in 3 weeks?
Thank very much in advanced xo