Thoughts on monthly goals...any opinion but particularly wom

bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
currently i weigh in weekly, well i weigh throughout the week but i count saturday's weigh in as the "official" mark on the calendar weight for the week....

i have set goals for the first saturday of each month to equal 1lbs loss per from october 2nd thru november 6th i'm aiming to lose 5lbs....if there are 4 saturdays in the month i aim for 4lbs loss for the month...

here's my dilemma, i dont have a "period" per say as i have the mirena IUD and dont get a period but i do believe my body has some kinda fluctuation/adjustment during the time that i should be having a period if i were to have one (hope that makes sense)....anyway, the last period i had was on the 11/1/07 and that is the day i had my iud put officially my period should be the first week of every month if i were getting it since i had a very normal cycle before kids/BC/IUD and all that jazz.....

anyway, the question is this....should i adjust my MONTHLY GOAL date/weigh in to another week in the month instead of the first saturday as that is when i would be having my period....i have noticed either a slight gain or only a very little loss, literally .2lbs up or down on that first saturday's weigh in compared to the saturday before and then the saturday after....

i know in the end it all averages itself out but this weight loss thing is a mind game's simple math/science but i truly feel in order to continue being successful you have to set yourself up to be successful with each and every goal/milestone/hurdle.....

it's probably really silly and not worth all this explanation but i'm just curious what others think since i dont really have a TOM and havent for almost 3 years....

thanks in advance for your comments...


  • If you notice a fluctuation in weight during that time of the month, I would say definitely change it to a different Saturday.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,559 Member
    You know, I'm real similar to you because of the pill but even though I don't get visits from Aunt Flo, I still do tend to notice my body changes that one week. I kind of made it a game though. I was pretty sure I wouldn't lose any weight that week (and I do the same thing as you, 1 official weigh in day, but otherwise I check the scale daily) and noticed during the week that I wasn't losing, but I wasn't gaining either. So that became my goal for that week. I still checked in, I still weighed myself on Sunday and posted my progress and I was thrilled that I lost .4 of a lb. But, this is YOUR thing so do what will mentally work best for YOU.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Any birth control products that you use do not completely stop the effects of hormones on your body. You still have hormones...think of my mom who has gone through menopause already, and obviously doesn't have periods anymore, but just because she literally ran out of eggs doesn't mean that her hormones stopped doing their thing. So she gains water weight/bloating, etc. during what used to be that time of the month.

    I have been taking Yaz since 2008, and I still have the same effects. No periods, but I do have bloating, occasional headaches associated with PMS, etc.

    That being said, I would set your monthly goals for whenever you feel the least amount of outside stressors affecting your weight. If you weigh yourself during that time of the month, you might see an increase in weight which can put undue stress on you which can actually affect your weight loss in the future.

    I personally like to wait until that "special" week is passed before I record any weight measurement. :flowerforyou:

    I also would like to mention that you might not want to weight yourself more than once a week. Our body weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds on a daily basis, so even though you are doing good with your program, you might see a gain on the scale if you weigh yourself all the time. And who wants to see that? :embarassed:
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    yeah i'm trying to not weigh during the week as often because of that fluctuation but i just cant seem to keep my scale away lol....right now because i'm soooo non track it has only been good weighins but if it does happen to be up, i worked even harder to get it "back" down for the next time i jump on the scale....i wish i could just do it once a month but the curiosity of my progress is toooo much of a pull to put the damn scale away until the first of the month....
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