Still Fighting!

gorefan82 Posts: 44 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Well, I'm still battling this plateau that I've been in for the last month or so. I did lost 1.8 pounds two weeks ago, but nothing since then. I'm not letting it get me down though! I've recently changed my workout routine from late afternoons to early mornings before work. It's been a tough transition but it's getting better and I'm liking it more and more with each day. Some mornings it's hard for me to get up and moving but I'm starting to the win the battle more and more often! I really think this will help me in the long run.
Aside from giving in a few times to junk, I've been keeping on track with my food. Those bad choices were merely a bump in the road!
It's also been very busy for me lately and I haven't had nearly as much time lately to get on here as much as I would like. But I'm still rocking and rolling!!
How is everyone else doing?!


  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    My longest plateau was nearly a month. I'd lose a pound, and gain two; lose two and gain 1.5; up and down for 4 bloody weeks. I got a little more strict with eating clean, started running a bit more, and just waited it out. Once the scale started moving again, it moved quick. Hang in there, buddy - keep doing it right! Good luck!
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