Question about weight loss and pregnancy

Hi all,

I'd like some advice please. I am about 40 pounds over my ideal weight. My youngest child is almost 3 and I'm really ready for another one. I have been working hard to build and maintain muscle tone, and to shed at least 20 pounds before getting pregnant. It doesn't seem to be happening. I've been at this for two months and haven't seen any real progress. I have lost 3 or 4 inches total on my body, so that's nice, but the scale isn't moving much. I am a heck of a lot stronger than I was though.

My question is, can I get pregnant now and keep strength training? I know I can walk for my cardio. What I'd like to do is not gain much weight (just 15 lbs) since I'm already overweight as it is, and keep my muscles toned so that it won't be hard to continue to lose weight afterwards. From what I understand, if your body is already used to a certain routine then it isn't a big deal to continue during pregnancy.

I don't want huge gaps between my kids, and I'm really feeling like another one's ready, but I don't want to quit with my physical health goals. What is the hindsight of other moms? Do you wish you had kept working to lose weight before getting pregnant, or do you think I should just go for it? Is it possible for me to get pregnant now and keep working out so that afterwards the weight will come off easier? What do you think?

Thanks so much!


  • sarahricks
    sarahricks Posts: 90 Member
    I would say go for it. If your ready your ready. I didn't loose any in between pregnancys and everything still turned out great. I do think keeping up on your muscle tone is a good idea. As long as your not trying to lose weight while your pregnant I think you should be fine.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Yes you can keep strength training while pregnant. The ladies involved with do it every day.
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    I continued exercising through almost all of my last pregnancy- kept up strength training until about three weeks before she was born. She was my 8th baby, and I'm the healthiest I've ever been. I think exercising through pregnancy is great as long as reasonable precautions are taken and your midwife/OB gives the okay. :) GL!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I say go for it too... I am about 35 pounds over my pre-pg weight when I was pg with my son... but at 35, age takes precedence over losing more weight. You can definitely continue your strength training and cardio... once you do get pg, I would check with your doctor on how much to continue. My understanding has always been that it is safe to continue what you are already doing once you become pregnant... though you may need to slow down at some point in pregnancy and don't want to increase training drastically during pregnancy.
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    Almost forgot to add- I'm now about 7 to 10 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight, and she is 3 months old. I gained only about 15 pounds.... that pregnancy did not do anything to interrupt my health goals. :)
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    When I fell pregnant with my son I was 14st 7lbs. I was already going to the gym and doing cardio and strength training. I was advised to carry on. With the cardio - obviously watch your blood pressure, don't go crazy and not too much heavy lifting and also easy on the stretching - you release relaxin while you're pregnant which can cause the tendons to overstretch so you need to be very aware of that. because you are already in that routine, there's no reason why you can't carry on. You sound very aware of your body already so keep listening and relax and watch your nutrition like a hawk!
    I gained half a stone (7lbs) with my 1st pregnancy and was healthier and stronger than I'd ever felt. After I'd had him (he was 7lbs 9 oz) I dropped to 14st flat within about a month.
    Unfortunately it all went pear shaped for me when I fell pregnant with my daughter, but that's a different story! :laugh:

    Good luck, and don't forget to start taking your folic acid soon!
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    I continued exercising through almost all of my last pregnancy- kept up strength training until about three weeks before she was born. She was my 8th baby, and I'm the healthiest I've ever been. I think exercising through pregnancy is great as long as reasonable precautions are taken and your midwife/OB gives the okay. :) GL!

    8 babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! I feel run-ragged with 2 sometimes - well done you x