Strength training & calories burned?

gecho Posts: 426 Member
I hate to be stupid but i read it earlier on a different topic and i agree. Why doesn't the strength burn calories:angry: ? I know what i'm able to do might not be much but knowing every calorie would make a person feel better.


  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Any exercise burns calories. The benefit of strength training is that increased muscle mass = increased calorie burn during the day.
  • StarryEyedGirl
    my husband wears his HRM during strength training and he can burn close to 550 for his 45 min. work out! so it totally does but how to determine how much is the challenge... you should consider buying a HRM so you know for sure what you are burning!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I use a heart rate monitor too when I strength train. It's not as high of a calorie burn as when I do cardio, but I can burn around 200 calories for a 35-40 minutes strength training DVD. I burn around 5 calories a minute doing strength and around 10 calories a minute doing cardio, on average.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Not sure where you read strength training doesn't burn calories. I can guarantee it burns a lot. Case-in-point: I wear a heart monitor that helps calculate calories burned. Over the course of 1.5 to 2 hours, I was lifting about 1 ton (not at once obviously) worth of wood because my wife and I are putting in new floors. That plus painting I burned over 1000 calories. That was after I subtracted my "sitting around and doing nothing" calories. What you can't do is figure out how many calories you burned without a heart rate monitor to help you. Everyone has a different body type, weight, etc. Not to mention men and woman's bodies handle exercise and calorie burning differently.

    If you want to track calories, get a heart rate monitor. I use the Polar FT40. It is amazingly awesome, and has one of the best reviews of all heart-rate monitors that tracks calories.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Are you refering to the exercise database where it doesn't list calories burned for strength training? If so, it's just because that section isn't designed for calorie tracking, just for tracking progress. You can find all types of strength training exercises in the cardio section, or if you can't find one, just add it.

    If you're thinking that strength training doesn't burn calories, well, it does, but generally not as many as cardio DURING THE TIME YOU ARE ACTUALLY EXERCISING. See basically when cardio is done, it's done, the calorie burn stops (well, within about a 1/2 hour usually), but with strength training, you may not burn quite as many during the activity, but after your body can continue to burn calories at a higher rate for hours, and in some cases, days after you finish. This creates somewhat of a problem for very strict calorie trackers as it's almost impossible to estimate exactly how many calories extra you burn. But that's all part of the game.,
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    To get the strength training exercises to burn calories in MFP, add it under cardio as well.