Do you "dress out" to work out at home?



  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I am somewhere in the middle. I don't usually wear a shirt, just my sports bra. I might wear yoga pants that are still to tight for the gym as well, but they are still "work-out clothes" if that makes any sense!
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    I'm a bit scared to ask, but what would NOT "dressing out" consist of? I wouldn't think you'd want to work out in your everyday or work clothes. As for me, I dress for what I'm doing. Not where I'm going. For working out that typically consists of shorts and either a t-shirt or a technical shirt. That applies at home, at the gym, on the street or on the trail. But I'm a guy so it's easy for me.
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    I'm a bit scared to ask, but what would NOT "dressing out" consist of? I wouldn't think you'd want to work out in your everyday or work clothes. As for me, I dress for what I'm doing. Not where I'm going. For working out that typically consists of shorts and either a t-shirt or a technical shirt. That applies at home, at the gym, on the street or on the trail. But I'm a guy so it's easy for me.

    LOL. What, do you mean it's not normal to work out naked??? lol.

    I guess I just kind of meant the full work-out get up. Like the underarmor type clothing or just raggedy old t-shirts. A lot of times I hang out in a tshirt and undies, so I may not put my shorts on to work out. I'd rather not wear shoes, but sometimes you have to. I dunno - just kind of wondering what everyone does. :)
  • peizhi
    peizhi Posts: 15 Member
    since i do my at home workouts in the privacy of my bedroom, i just wear a sports bra and comfortable workout pants. I usually skip the socks and shoes because they're just a needless pain. UNLESS you are working out on a machine like a treadmill. i have to wear shoes on that because if i don't the bottom of my feet get REALLY sore for the next couple of days.