First marathon distance race in two weeks...

I'm kinda freaking out lol

I've done a ton of half marathons but this will be my first 26.2, if anyone has any advice I'd hear it. I know I'm ready, I still have crazy anxiety over it all though, I'm hearing it's normal but I'm even dreaming about it now.

I'm not going for time, I'm just going for done, but my hope is to come in around 6 hours.


  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    I did one to celebrate turning 50-I did it the month before my birthday.

    It was a group training thing-we met for 1 year.
    The best part was we left cold snowy Edmonton for the event in Barbados.

    Race advice-keep your self slowed down until you reach the 1/2 way point. Then if you have extra energy use it.
    Carry water and 1 or 2 gels-or in my case-sport jelly beans.

    You will find other runners at your pace-you'll meet them through out the course-Be friendly!

    Have fun! Finishing is much more important than time!

    If you have a moment or two where you feel like crap-just keep moving forward-no stopping-walking is allowed and then run again when you can!
    You have trained and can SO do this!