Thinking about trying IIFYM.

Do these numbers look right?
Carbs: 71.7
Protein: 192
Fat: 76.8
Fiber: 38 - 48
Total Calories: 1746

I'm 5'3 weighing 192 lbs. Put my exercise in for 5 days a week.

Also, any add ons that anyone would like to add about the ins and outs would be appreciated! Has anyone had success with this method? & I'm assuming I wouldn't eat back my exercise calories logged on mfp because it's already accounted for in the total calories?


  • bmb26_2009
    too many proteins
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Find an estimate of your lean body mass and use that in grams for protein. Carbs seem low. I practice the philosophy of IIFYM, unrelated to the website. In order to lose weight, all you need is a calorie deficit. I prefer this method as it makes it to were don't have to cut anything out and it made it easier to transition from weight loss to maintenance.

    As far as eating back exercise, you're right. You don't need to eat back exercise with this method, as it's already calculates it in. If you get a chance, this is a good read too.