Need Motivation, Friends & Ideas!!



  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    From what it sounds like you need to be eating more calories. It doesn't matter that you only eat 2 meals a day. You just need to:get more calories in those meals. A piece of chicken and some rice is maybe 300 calories. And soup is anywhere from 100-300. So from what it looks like you are under eating and over training. Reevaluate your goals and go from there. Start adding in more heavy lifting to your training. And more calories to your 2 meals a day (if that's all your going to eat) track your food for the next few weeks so you have an idea of what you are eating and all the macro nutrients.
    You are going to have a different outcome on the scale or in the mirror depending on what kind of calories you are eating. If 70% of your calories and are coming from carbs or fat, than your not gonna be getting the results you want.

    I have:my macros set at 40c/30f/30p

    This seems to work well for me. Just try and make sure you are at least getting 1 gram or protein per pound of weight. So a 120lb person should be getting at least 120g of protein per day and then carbs and fat can fall:in place.

    Just take one thing at a time. I know you can reach your goal and get the body you want. This fitness lifestyle is all about trial and error.

    Good luck!

  • morena1982
    morena1982 Posts: 9 Member
    I went on a 3 week sushi and salmon diet. I try to just eat chicken and fish. I try to stay away from rice and pasta, thats my weak spot. I usually just drink allot of water, diet soda, and fruits.I will start posting what I eat so everyone can see..
  • morena1982
    morena1982 Posts: 9 Member
    Its not that i don't want to eat, it's just that I don't have the time. I'm in school from 8am to 6pm. I have a gap between 10 - 12pm and thats when i go to the gym. I don't eat at school because they don't have anything healthy to eat, but I will make it my business to try to eat more throughout the day. Also, I'm good at doing cardio, but when it comes to lifting weights, I'm bad at that. I need help in that department.
  • heysarge13
    heysarge13 Posts: 403 Member
    cut back the cardio and add more strength training into your workouts. Strength training will burn more calories over a longer period of time. In addition it will start sculpting and toning your body.