spin bike at home

Hi everyone, hope you're all having a good day. I would like some advice as to whether it would be a good idea to invest in a spin bike for at home? I figure it would work into my daily routine quite well. I am currently 5 ' 4'' and weight 9st 7lbs. I want to lose a stone in 6 weeks through a healthy diet and exercise. Would this be achievable? Which spin bike should i go for? I want to spend around £250. Many thanks, annie x


  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    Consider a bike for riding outside. It's really much more enjoyable
    Then add a wind trainer (a stand for your bike) so you can use it inside too!
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    I have a bake and a stand for it that allows me to use it inside in the winter, just thinking of moving it out onto the patio for the summer now (though I may wait for my hayfever to abate first), I use it alongside swimming, pilates and walking.

    My stand was a present but cost less than £100.

    On your other questions - a stone in 6 weeks seems like quite a lot, have you worked out what your calorie intake and deficit would need to be for that?
  • anni999999
    ooo...thanks for the replies. I do have a dawes giro 500. I used to ride about 18 miles 4 or 5 days a week to work. I then had two kids, now 3 and 5 who i have to drop of early morning and collect ect and my hubby works long hours and we have no other help really. Before i had kids i was really really fit, cycling, running, thai boxing, spinning, circuits ect. But its all changed now, and i wouldn't want it any other way, i just need to slot something regular back into place. I am at my heaviest for a while and my clothes are a little tight and i seem to be developing lots of cellulite. Fitness is all i ever think about and it is quite frustrating not to be able to do anything!!! Myself and the kiddies are constantly out but that is no substitute for a hardcore workout!!! I am hoping to buy this spin bike, give them something to occupy them for 45 mins/1 hour...and get to it!! Everyday!! I generally eat healthy, fairly low carb, but i like a glass of wine on and evening. Thanks, annemarie
  • Dawnog
    Dawnog Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, I go to spinning classes with my hubbie and we have discussed getting a spinning bike. The only thing being in spinning classes we have to work really hard and the instructor is on to us all the time not to turn dial down, go faster ect ect, would we work as hard if we had our own. I know the spinning bikes we use retail at approx. £800, but I know u can get them much cheaper. I have found spinning has toned me up and although im not over weight ive lost another few pounds through spinning, I also do lots of running and have found my mile times are so much better since ive taken up spinning. Have you considered giving spinning classes a go, I go at 6pm on a fri eve, which fits in with kids ect. Good luck
  • anni999999
    ah, thanks for the advice. I have thoroughly reviewed the bikes and it seems you can get really good, robust, spin bikes intended for heavy use at home. There are many online spin classes and routines available too, which i know does not compare to a class but at least it will give an idea of how to work hard. I can be very disiplined if i put my mind to something and have things organised and set in place. My husband leaves at 630am and returns at 830pm 6 days a week and i have the kids all the time so classes are definitely not an option. I used to go to spin classes and enjoyed them. I bought the insanity dvd set but it was too noisy to do, leaping around ect in our small house. I do situps and a few arm and leg routines but i NEED some cardio!! thanks for your help and suggestions.
  • sanderdejonge
    sanderdejonge Posts: 415 Member
    Consider a bike for riding outside. It's really much more enjoyable
    Then add a wind trainer (a stand for your bike) so you can use it inside too!
    Hey! Good one, might get myself a wind trainer as well next winter. :bigsmile:
  • anni999999
    what's a wind trainer then?? sorry i missed that earlier?!!
  • sanderdejonge
    sanderdejonge Posts: 415 Member
    what's a wind trainer then?? sorry i missed that earlier?!!
  • Platform_Heels
    Platform_Heels Posts: 388 Member
    Get a road bike and a bike trainer. You can take the bike outside when it's nice and if it's not just throw it on the trainer and use it inside.
  • anni999999
    thankyou so much for the replies.....but the point is....i have to do something inside my home, that is quiet, and cardio!!! I have my kids 24/7....no help or break apart from before 6am or after 9pm!!! If i buy a spin bike will i lose weight?? will my legs get big? and does anyone know which one to buy???? x
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Sure you can lose weight ..... exercise is exercise... Your legs wont get big (Look at Wiggie and his spider legs!! and I reckon he cycles way more than you will get a chance too :tongue: ) - if you are spinning and not PUSHING high gears.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Consider a bike for riding outside. It's really much more enjoyable
    Then add a wind trainer (a stand for your bike) so you can use it inside too!

    this is my response as well.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    This is the one we're considering for our house.


    You'll lose weight as long as your diet is in check. Most spin instructors I see have pencil legs so I seriously doubt if bulking is going to be an issue.
  • finitia
    finitia Posts: 2
    If you're not lifting (doing squats and lunges with weights or some type of resistance) then your legs won't get too much bigger. But, depending on what you do with resistance levels on the bike, you might build some muscle. It'll be longer, rather than bulky, because you'll build endurance muscle instead of strength muscle, but you might see some size difference.

    With that said, I would actually buy a trainer to put your regular bike on indoors, because you'll get a workout that's closer to what you'd get if you were riding outside. I have a Kinetic fluid trainer that my road bike sits on all winter, and I work out to Spinervals dvds. They are difficult, and they are fantastic cardio workouts if you have the right ones. The Kinetic trainers are among the best for simulating road riding. They are also very quiet when you have them set up right. MUCH quieter than a wind trainer.

    You don't have to get the Spinervals dvds, you can work out to whatever you want. Music, movies, tv shows, silence, whatever. That's up to you. I personally like Spinervals because I'm training, and where I live, it's still too cold to take my bike out and train. But getting a Kinetic fluid trainer is what I'd recommend you do.

    You can see them here: http://www.amazon.com/Kinetic-Kurt-Machine-Bicycle-Trainer/dp/B000BNCA0Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1397326143&sr=8-1&keywords=kinetic+kurt+road+machine
  • Dawnog
    Dawnog Posts: 39 Member
    If you combine your spinning with a healthy diet you will loose weight, my first question when I started spinning classes was will my legs get bigger, the answer was no, and I can honestly say mine have so toned up and look leaner, certainly have not bulked out, the time trial on the spin bike has done wonders for my core.
  • anni999999
    i am honestly sooo grateful for all your help and advice....what a fab bunch of people!!!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i am honestly sooo grateful for all your help and advice....what a fab bunch of people!!!

    i can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    i am honestly sooo grateful for all your help and advice....what a fab bunch of people!!!

    i can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

    Take it in good spirit .. or with good spirit (wide tumbler 3 fingers.[hic])
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i am honestly sooo grateful for all your help and advice....what a fab bunch of people!!!

    i can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

    she was obv talking to me and being sincere. there's a reason i've been voted MFP's Most Kind and Consider Helper 3 years in a row.