Jillian's No More Trouble Zones

I just started Jillian's No More Trouble Zones and I love the workout! Anybody care to share their results?


  • skurzan
    Great workout for toning. I do Body Pump at the gym, and it's a great subsitution if for some reason I can't make it there or want to workuot at home. When I started doing that video and alternating with her Boost Your Metabolism video I saw great results after about two weeks with feeling more toned arms, legs and abs.
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    Can you tell us more about the workouts and its claims?
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    You can talk a look at my pics.
    That is from Jillian.
    30 day shred
    yoga melt down
    No More Trouble zones - love this work out! LOVE IT!
    P90X Kenpo
    and yoga class.
    I say Jillian got this gal into shape!
  • ntp0826
    ntp0826 Posts: 95 Member
    Yeah I alternate between this and 50 mins intense cardio at the gym. I was looking for a toning video and I love the workout! Its the first one that makes me feel every part of my muscles! I just wanted to see if anyone had been doing it for awhile and had gotten results!
  • summerjoy0621
    summerjoy0621 Posts: 29 Member
    I have this DVD and was just talking to my husband about doing it every morning since I can't get into the gym right now. I have only used it once and just to say the least it kicked my butt. I don't even think we got through the 3rd one. But I am going to try it again starting in the morning. So let me know how you like it!!!:tongue: