Body Fat



  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    See I never understood this. My trainer when he took my body fat analysis I was at 37%! Which of course I freaked out but he told me that most women are around 35-36 so I was a little over. Still, that made me feel horrible. So you at your 18% I don't think you have anything to worry about :)

    Most women are at 35-36%? Not heard that before.
    I was tested and came out at 12%.
    And I agree, 18% is great, I was that prior to hitting weights and boxing.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Tell the idiots who ordered too small of a dress to exchange it immediately and get you the right size. Morons. It is not easier to shrink a bride into a dress than it is to shrink a dress to fit a bride.

    If you are truly at 18%, that is already very low for your average female. Don't set yourself up for misery and failure. Stop obsessing about your weight and get a dress that fits.

    Yeah, this and what everyone else is saying. At that amount your measurements will not reduce significantly, you will just have more visible muscle definition if you drop body fat. If you drop 8% you will be at 10%. I don't think that is the look you are going for at your wedding. That is what people do to prepare for a competition and even then many do not even go that low. And if you don't do it right, you could lose hair or have other unforeseen consequences.
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    How did you find your BF%?

    I recently bought some bathroom scales that supposedly measure body fat (among other things). They tried to tell me I'm 21% but I'd put money on the fact that I'm 30-35%. I know they are not accurate.

    I've heard that apart from the really expensive professional ways to measure bf%, calipers give the best result.

    If you are really 18%, trying to go lower will a) be difficult, b) not likely get you into the dress and c) possibly have health consequences on your body, as mentioned by others.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 941 Member
    Why don't you just buy clothes that fit you, instead of adding deadlines and stress to your life?
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I agree with the others; if the 18% measurement is correct, trying to go lower to fit into a dress is not the best idea. I agree with seeing if you can exchange for a size 3 and have it taken in a little. Having the size 2 let out a little to fit better might also be an option. If you're already that lean, I would look more at adjusting the dress rather than adjusting your body, and just trying to stay fit and healthy.

    Also, if you're not sure about your BF %, Sara and Sidesteel on the Eat, Train, Progress group are great at giving estimated BF% if you provide the requested pics.
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    25% is perfect. I drooled a little, not gonna lie.

    I agree, and I'd even be stoked if I looked like Ms 30% as long as I had enough muscle tone to pull it off.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    25% is perfect. I drooled a little, not gonna lie.

    I agree, and I'd even be stoked if I looked like Ms 30% as long as I had enough muscle tone to pull it off.
    I would have liked to have looked like that at 30%. It also helps to have a certain natural body shape. :ohwell:
  • daviddowns1968
    daviddowns1968 Posts: 11 Member
    Height doesn't matter. 18% of someone 5ft tall, is 18% of a 5ft person. 18% of someone 6ft tall is 18% of a 6ft person. I would stick to your percentage, as it's healthy place to be. For now, you would probably focus on losing the couple of pounds, but were did you get that target from? Sometimes we arbitrarily pick a goal weight to head for, but it might actually be too light and so make you underweight.
  • jessie1542
    I think I look like more like 25 and 30% pictures.. I used a BMI machine at my school.. it may be wrong. I'll try to use it again. I am pretty curvy..