Here’s to new beginnings :)

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”-Lao Tzu. Well in my case the journey of a hundred pound weight loss begins with a single step. I don’t remember how I got to be this big but I do remember it tasted pretty damn good. So now at 31 and my body has taken its revenge for all the damage I did to it in my teens.

I am 31 year old California girl living in Ireland with my husband. Working on being the thin girl I know I am inside. I am surrounded by blessings. The one thing I need to work on is my weight. I know I shouldn’t feel like it holds me back but I do.

I found out about this page through a fellow gym member and I am very excited as this page seems to have a great support system. I LOVE reading all the success stories, it keeps me motivated. I will be paying close attention to the recipe post as I am a terrible cook and pasta is my default –because it’s easy. Look forward to seeing you around!