How much weight did you lose before people noticed?



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Not a single person has said anything to me without my mentioning it first, and I've gone from a size 24 to a size 14. As soon as I mention it, they'll be like "Yeah I noticed! You look great!" etc. but I think people are too worried about offending others to mention it unprompted.

    Yes, this is a true. Because a lot of people complain that they find it offensive when people comment on their weight loss or they take it as an insult to their former self. Some people say it is rude to comment on weight at all. And sometimes weight loss is not intentional. There are so many factors. I usually don't comment on weight unless it is very drastic or if they have been open about their weight loss, then I will comment.

    For me, I only lost less than 10 pounds. I got a ton of comments. And mostly positive. But, some people said that they were surprised to see that I had lost weight because I didn't need to lose weight and that they were worried I was sick or stressed or going to lose too much weight. I'm healthy, the same weight I was in high school and college, I barely lost weight, and I have maintained it for a couple years now (did not continue to lose weight and even gained a little back).
  • KatherineLynnKane
    KatherineLynnKane Posts: 11 Member
    Not sure if people have noticed since no one has commented on it:
    my butt is definitely smaller and more shapely. LOL
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    People started noticing occasionally at 15 pounds (down from 187). People won't shut up about it now at 32 pounds down.
  • Gohomebay
    Gohomebay Posts: 116 Member
    15 pounds was noticed but it truly depends on body structure ..... 5 foot 5.5 was my loss past few months almost at goal
  • Jodyraedoula
    Jodyraedoula Posts: 69 Member
    I lost ten lbs in one week... I had a big change in my what my days looked like but I can not pinpoint what the change was in my diet to make that happen. .. However that said today I was visiting somome who has not seen me in about 4 weeks and she just came out and asked are you losing weight... so my ticker says only 8 lbs down however she was seeing 18lbs down from the last time she saw me. The ten lbs that just fell off where the jump start I needed to make a for real comentment. I have not noticed it yet..
  • silverteacup
    silverteacup Posts: 46 Member
    I think it depends on the people around you. People noticed when I had lost about 20 lbs then they began to comment very often and began calling me the incredible shrinking woman. :) It helped because I never and still don't see the loss myself.
  • harrypotter22
    harrypotter22 Posts: 27 Member
    10 pounds and people started making comments about me looking good.
    15 pounds and i'm not longer "chubby" in my family lolol
    generally it takes 20 pounds for someone to notice any serious changes in your body though. i think i toned up a bit though so that's why it's noticeable.
    also i lost a massive amount on my waist.
    i went from a 32 inch to a 27-27.5 inch waist and that's like 10-15 pounds. so yeah i toned up.
    but i also lost everywhere else too.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Hi All,
    Just wondering how much weight people lost before others noticed? I have been a yo-yo dieter for most of my life and I have a milestone birthday this year and want to slim down and get healthy. I am 34lbs down since January but nobody has really noticed, I was 239lbs at the start- do you think it is not as noticable in bigger people or dare not people comment on it?

    Your thoughts?

    Thank you x

    For me, it was about 50 lbs. I started at 363 and it was 313 before the real positive compliments (however rare) from friends and family started coming. The next compliment milestone was 288. Then 269, then 244 (this is where they REALLY picked up in frequency). I guess it depends on how much you have to lose, your body type, and the time-frame in which you lose the weight.

    Remember how you have to do it for yourself. Don't let that get to you. Once you've tallied up enough "loss points," so to speak, the compliments won't stop. I've had people come to me worried that I was losing too fast. That started at 225. Just takes a while, and you'll always have that brutally honest friend who, when you ask if it appears you've lost, says: "To be honest, no." Just serves as an indicator of real progress. Learn to love it.
  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    Hi All,
    Just wondering how much weight people lost before others noticed? I have been a yo-yo dieter for most of my life and I have a milestone birthday this year and want to slim down and get healthy. I am 34lbs down since January but nobody has really noticed, I was 239lbs at the start- do you think it is not as noticable in bigger people or dare not people comment on it?

    Your thoughts?

    Thank you x

    It absolutely takes longer when you have more to lose, just like it takes longer to go down from a 20W to an 18W than it will from a 10 to an 8! My first comment was about 20# in, from a friend I only see a few times per year. And he said it looked like I'd lost a lot already. My family started commenting just recently at about 25#. I, personally, don't physically see any changes in my body now at 28#, although I know I'm shrinking out of a lot of my clothes (I'm probably down a size and a half). But when I look in the mirror, I see no difference- either because I'm my own harshest critic or because I see myself too often to notice. I'm taking progress pics today, so I'll compare them and see if there's any change!
  • 302cupcake
    It was 50-60 pounds before anyone said anything, but now people don't recognize me.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    25-30lbs and two people commented. My aunt - who knows I was dieting..and my doctor - who may have cheated and looked at my weight before commenting, lol. I'm tall - takes a lot of weight to notice a difference. I've lost an inch (at best) from my waist
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Hi All,
    Just wondering how much weight people lost before others noticed? I have been a yo-yo dieter for most of my life and I have a milestone birthday this year and want to slim down and get healthy. I am 34lbs down since January but nobody has really noticed, I was 239lbs at the start- do you think it is not as noticable in bigger people or dare not people comment on it?

    Your thoughts?

    Thank you x

    A lot of people don't comment, talking about other people's weight in general is kind of a taboo thing even if it would be a comment to compliment. It is likely that people do notice, they're just not saying anything.

    That said, the more weight you have to lose the less noticeable it can be. The first 20 of my 40 Lbs total wasn't that noticeable was those last 20 Lbs that was really night and day.
  • SeattleJill
    SeattleJill Posts: 73 Member
    The women about 25-30lbs in. But i started at 270 with a large frame, so I didn't even notice until he first 20 was gone. The men, they are still too afraid to say anything lol.
  • marcy_76
    marcy_76 Posts: 48 Member
    I've been fluctuating between 143 and 157 for quite some time now. Nobody has noticed a thing.

    Personally, if I notice that someone looks like they've lost weight, I don't like saying, "Hey, you've lost weight, you look great!" (Someone took this as 'You didn't look good with the pounds on' -so whatever) Instead, I say, "You look good today." and leave it at that. Some people can be extremely sensitive.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    I've been fluctuating between 143 and 157 for quite some time now. Nobody has noticed a thing.

    Personally, if I notice that someone looks like they've lost weight, I don't like saying, "Hey, you've lost weight, you look great!" (Someone took this as 'You didn't look good with the pounds on' -so whatever) Instead, I say, "You look good today." and leave it at that. Some people can be extremely sensitive.

    Yes - commenting on weight is something I avoid unless the other person brings it up first.
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    I started around 150, so I wasn't too large to begin with, but the first person - the ONLY person - to mention it has been my husband's great grandmother, when I was down about 12lbs. I hadn't seen her since I began tracking and working out, and as soon as she saw me she exclaimed "Oh wow, you look great! You've lost a TON of weight!"

    Needless to say, that made me feel amazing. ;) But she's the only person to say anything. I generally think people feel uncomfortable mentioning weight unless we bring it up first.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    I think it takes longer to notice when one is extremely overweight to start. It is also harder for people who see us every day to notice because they are seeing the gradual changes.

    I had over 100 lbs to lose when I started & it took what seemed like FOREVER for anyone to comment on my loss. I think it may have been around 40-50 lbs. I can't recall now.

    I've lost over 100 lbs now & am still losing. I get comments & compliments a lot now. I am making a point to be gracious & enjoy them because the time will come when I stop shrinking in size and the compliments about my loss will eventually stop, too. Then I'll just have to be happy with comments about my incredible beauty & fitness... lol...
  • feefifoefum
    feefifoefum Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you to everyone of you for your replies and support. I will keep going and remembering I am doing it for myself and if others notice take it as a bonus. Good luck on your journeys x
  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    About 190 lbs. Oh, wait... that was my ex I dropped, not the weight. :laugh:

    All jokes a side, it wasn't the pounds when people noticed. It became more noticeable to my family when the inches were coming off and I was walking around in clothes I couldn't fit into the prior year.
  • Beanogirl
    Beanogirl Posts: 97 Member
    20lbs lost and only 1 comment so far, I am disappointed that I can't see that much difference myself, I thought I would have been able to see more changes.