10 pound challenge- 6 weeks to get it done by May 22!!

2 things coming up! 1: Boston/NYC on May 1st... Goal- drop 5 pounds

Then- my birthday on May 22 and a trip to Miami.... Goal-drop 5 pounds

I want to enter my mid-30's (actually 36) feeling the best I ever have!!!

I have been in a plateau. I am struggling with food. I pick at my girls food. I snack on their snacks. I am uncomfortable with the way I look. I do not like how I feel. CHALLENGE: Losing 5 pounds by May 1st. CHALLENGE: Losing 5 pounds by May 22nd.

Can I do? Its a challenge and I need a little bit of one right now!

Lets do this!! Anyone want to join in with me? Hold each other accountable? Motivate? Push..... yay!!!