Possible shin splint

This is the first time I've experienced this, so here we go: I've been following C25K and started week 5 yesterday. When I got home, there was a sharp pain in my lower leg, between my calf and shin. It hurts to put pressure on or touch. Is this a shin splint?

I have it wrapped. My husband played soccer for years and advises staying off of it for a while, but I don't think I can stop running. I'm terrified of losing the progress I've made so far. If I wrap it, can I still run? Will it get worse? Besides ice and a wrap, what else can I do? Thanks for the help!


  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I suggest heat. Go have a long soak in your tub and gradually make the water warmer.
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    Definitely sounds like shin splints. I get them and no one can touch my shins. They hurt really bad. I use compression sleeves. I like CEP brand. Rest and ice is very important. Also look into some strengthening exercises. My favorite is where you sit in a chair with your legs extended. You put a weight between your feet and move the weight up and down with your feet. Think of it like you are pointing up with your toes and then lowering down with your toes.