Healthy food on the high street?

As a college student, I'm pretty much always on the go and I'm struggling to keep my diet in check because of it. My college is right in the centre of town so there's many, many options for food ranging from small cafés to big chains like KFC and McDonalds, and there's a cafeteria on campus but unfortunately my budget's pretty small which leaves places like KFC typically my only choice for hot food.

Usually I'd wake up early or have enough time the night before to make a packed lunch for the day, but with exams right round the corner things are far more hectic making it a little difficult to find that same time. I've been getting by with salads and the like from Boots and sometimes hot (well, warm) food from the new Morrison's, only resorting to KFC on Thursdays when I have my longest break between classes, but I'd really appreciate any ideas anyone else might have - food suggestions, tips on some of the healthier items on fast food menus, that kind of thing (:


  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    you must have a dining hall, yes? usually they have all sorts of options - including many with hot food items. lots of different soups; my old dining hall had a sandwich making area that you could tell them what to put on, and have it pressed so it's served warm. and hell, loads of chicken served hot and other meats. the dining hall had a pretty large selection as i recall.

    as far as healthy food options at the various fast food places around you - i think you're the best person to figure that out. you know what the specific places near you are - simply google their menus and take a gander yourself. if they don't provide the nutrition content on the company's website, take to google again and search for that item or similar - hell use the food search feature on MFP.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Soups, baked potato, sweet potato, and veggies instead of french fries most of the time. KFC's grilled chicken is very good. If you drive then buy a cooler and pack it with water and snacks like protein bars, string cheese, small blocks of cheese, low fat trail mix, nuts, etc. This way you don't have to hit the restaurants as much. You could also pack some items into your bag back or carry a small snack bag with you around campus.
  • gbbarbru
    gbbarbru Posts: 23 Member
    I have found that Wendy's chili is a very good fast food. Lots of protein and low in fat. Good luck!
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    I read this as 'healthy food on the high seas'.

    Now I want to watch a pirate movie.
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Arrgh! Lots of fish!

    You might try forgiving yourself during finals week. There are enough pressures. One week of eating poorly for expediency will not erase many continuing weeks of good habits.

    If you have a dining hall with lots of choices, try to stick with that. The usual college town foods are pizza, beer, and fried, in various combinations or all together - beer batter fried pizza.

    Indian food, if it is not fried, can be vegetarian with a little cheese. Might be a lower calorie option if pressed. If you like it.

    If you are commuting, pack lots of stuff each day. Anything you pack is probably better than anything in a restaurant If not enough time or pressured to pack each day, try to pack for several days when you have time.

    Preparing for several days helps me, and I'm the married with kids type. Similarly, if I do not cook ahead and must prepare stuff right now for dinner, frying is the fastest way to heat foods, and pre-prepared frozen meals with excessive fat, sugar, or salt are even easier.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Why not go to the cafeteria?
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    If its just for your exam period then stop stressing about food. Focus on your exams. It's unlikely that you'll gain having the odd KFC if you can keep your snacking in check. When your exams are over then you have time to think about food.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Going to the supermarket and buying food for the week is cheaper than buying each meal separately from KFC etc
  • EmoJew
    EmoJew Posts: 94 Member
    Wendys isn't gonna work, we don't have them in the UK!!

    Boots and Morrisons are fairly good options.
    I quite like Subway too.

    Burritos are calorific, but filling, and you can choose chicken and leave off the guac/cheese if your super concerned about cals.
    Small cafes might cook with a little more fat than you'd like, but food is quite often freshly prepared and unprocessed. eat a side of veg instead of fires.

    But you need fuel for exams, so try not to stress about a few extra cals here and there. you've your whole life to lose lbs and maybe only one chance at good grades. Perspective.
  • Antiquers
    Antiquers Posts: 12
    We do have a dining hall but the hot food selection is extremely limited and surprisingly expensive. A single fruit bowl which I definitely make use of and that's about it, outside of sweets and crisps and the like! No salad or sandwich bars but we do have a small fridge section where they're meant to keep some - problem is, it's a big college and a small selection so by the time I usually get there they're all gone! It's definitely my first stop every day though and I've been lucky a couple of times (:

    Also should stress that this is a UK college, not an American one (I think the closest thing to an American college in the UK is a University??) so Wendy's is kind of out. Definitely might consider combining the packing in advance tip and the cooler tip, though - I have a week's break for revision which should give me time to sort something out for when I go back!

    A friend also pointed out to me earlier on today that the small coffee shop round the corner recently branched out a lot with their food selection so I'll definitely give them a go. And thanks, EmoJew - I will definitely be focusing on my grades more than my eating habits (: Just going to try and limit the damage! I might give Subway a go we have one only 5 minutes or so away...