Hitting a Wall, Of Sorts

Hello fellow MFPers. I find myself in a bit of a spot and wanted to hear about anyone else's similar experiences and possible solutions, advice, etc.

I began my weight loss journey in March 2010 – by January 2011 I had lost just over 100 lbs. It was at that time; however, that I lost my job and, consequently, my support system (coworkers) and company gym membership. In the years that followed, my dedication and weight ebbed and flowed and I gradually regained just over 30 pounds. I had always attributed this to the proverbial rug being yanked out from under me – to the turmoil in my life following my layoff and all that ensued thereafter. Just before the beginning of this year, I rededicated myself and lost that 30 pounds again. I felt excited, proud and strong – confident that I was picking up where I left off and was finally going to finish this journey and reach my goals. That hasn't been the case.

Over the past five weeks I have done great with my meal planning and workouts, sticking to my plan, until the weekend arrives, at which point I go spectacularly off the rails. I have had weeks where I put a pound back on, then a week when I take two off. The needle still seems to be moving in the right direction, albeit much more slowly, but that's really irrelevant. I am failing to log meals, eating way over my calories and skipping workouts. I have to take ownership of the fact that I seem to be sabotaging my own progress in the exact same way and at the exact same point in my journey as I did three years ago. Something mentally or emotionally seems to be blocking me from moving any farther forward.

So I wanted to put it to all you. Has anyone else had an experience like this – where you hit some sort of invisible wall, where you stand in your own way of your progress? If so, how did you deal with it and move past it?


  • KaleeCat
    KaleeCat Posts: 152 Member
    Hmmm, well this may or may not relate to you, but about two years ago I had lost about 25 lbs and j was back to my weight that I was when I was a sophomore in high school. I was super happy but then I just couldn't let myself lose anymore and reflecting back I realize I made every single excuse not to lose anymore. Like "I'm so weak from hunger" "But honey, were going to a family function it's be weird if I didn't eat what all of you are eating" And just anything imaginable! I think because when I was a sophomore in high school a lot of things changed in my life that caused me to go be depressed and just not feel good about myself. And hey, actually writing it here has really opened my eyes on why I've stopped myself in the past! Thank you for the indirect "therapy" session, hehe ;) But I do hope that maybe my story helps you work through this "wall"!
  • KatherineLynnKane
    KatherineLynnKane Posts: 11 Member
    I think you need to ask yourself some questions and try to visualize what the end of this journey looks like.
    Are you subconsciously afraid to reach the finish line? if so, why?
    Will you get less attention or support from friends and family members once you reach your goal ?
    What will you focus on once your weight is no longer an issue ?
    Re-examine your reasons for wanting to lose weight. Are they still valid ?

    Self-sabotage is very common among dieters, although the reasons for it vary.
    Once you recognize your issues, you'll be able to deal with them effectively.