how do you satisfy your sweet tooth?!



  • Tuplatano
    Tuplatano Posts: 123 Member
    I like this idea, I'm going to try this.
  • provetome
    It is a NO to all of that from my Doctor. I have gained 15 pounds since may and she wants me to get ride of all the junk and change my life now. I am on a 1200 Cal a day diet without eating those things I listed. I did fairly well yesterday at only intaking 1020 cal but then I starved myself of 200 cal. I am affraid to eat because everything that goes in my mouth makes me gain weight. I am just sick of this gaining and not really eating anything bad. I don't drink pop and I still have issues. I'm on thyroid medicine. Its like tonight I ate a 200 cal dinner and 20 min later threw it up because of the nerves that are in my stomach of the threat my DR. put into me. If this makes sence.
  • rokikio
    rokikio Posts: 92
    Chewing gum for me has helped for the sweet tooth afternoon crave instead of grabbing that mini candy bar. My favorite flavor is Orbit Melon Mint, yum!!

    And as far as the ice cream goes (cause I am an ice cream lover too) I buy the no sugar added Skinny Cow Ice Creams or the Eskimo Pie no sugar added dark chocolate and it tastes great. And if you stick with your calories you can treat yourself once in a while.

    Also check out any frozen yogurt shops you have in your area. I have one here locally that does no sugar added frozen yogurts and it's only like 45 calories a serving and very delicious.

  • silly_whim
    I don't purchase snacks. Although my hubby is known for bringing them home. But I find that if I am craving something sweet I have the ingredients to bake it. by the time I walk to my kitchen I realize I don't want the mess and can walk away satisfied knowing I was to lazy to actually do it. If I am actually motivated to make them I feel a bit better for eating my sweets knowing they have no preservitives and I can make them with honey rather then sugar lowering calorie count. sometimes I'll even get crazy and thru a veggie in them like carrots or squash in oatmeal don't taste it and my hubby never knows he ate his veggies for the day...

    as for ice cream I freeze yogurt cups. Its portioned and lol my hubby wont try to eat it all before I get to it...we are popcicle loves and I make them from fruit juice. always refreshing