What exercise does everyone do?

squishyfishy Posts: 108
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I work shifts so my exercise varies a lot depending on how many days I'm working each week. On a good week I tend to do 3 classes of Body Pump, 2 of body attack, 2 toning classes and 1 or 2 Zumba classes along with a couple of hours of tennis. On a bad week I get 2 hours of tennis, 1 body attack, 2 pump and 1 zumba. I normally manage to fit a couple of swims and saunas in both weeks. I tend to pick classes because I need the dicsipline, I hate using the machines in the gym as I get bored really easily and just give up or start fiddling with my ipod and don't really concentrate. I can't believe I do this much exercise as I really didn't do much before I started my weightloss.

Whats everyones favourites? At the moment I'm loving Zumba and tennis, I never realised how many calories both of thses burnt and they are great fun.


  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    I work out 3 times a week with a trainer.

    On mondays we do a mixture of interval training and running and strength training but mainly focus on legs. In the evening I will then go swimming for half an hour to an hour. On tuesdays I walk the dogs twice - about 4 miles in total. Wednesday mornings is trainer again. We do interval training with boxing and a bit of a run thrown in at the end. In the evening I take the dogs for another walk about 1.5 miles. On thursdays I walk the dogs as per tuesdays and if I feel up to it I throw in a swim or run. Friday mornings are with my trainer - we run on Fridays. Usually 5k with some sprint intervals thrown in. Then in the evening I walk the dogs. Saturdays is 2 x dog walks and swimming or cycling. Then sundays is 2 x dog walks.

    I never thought I would say it but I LOVE running now!

  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 324 Member
    I love using the treadmill and 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I workout at home, and right now I am doing a combination of P90X and Turbo Kick (not Turbo Jam, but the home use DVD's that instructors can get). I also love Insanity and a few of the other Beachbody programs.

    I want to get a membership at the YMCA because of Zumba and live Turbo Kick classes (I want to teach as soon as I gain more confidence!) but the cost of membership is huge for me right now. I also want to use weight machines instead of the free weights all the time, because even though I love using my Bowflex Selecttech weights with P90X, I feel that I could actually improve my form with some of the weight machines...and it would be harder for me to drop the weight on my toes, haha! :laugh:

    I also love to run, ride my bike, and play sports such as football, basketball, tennis, and baseball. I love swimming in the summer, but my swimming is more leisurely than exercise. :flowerforyou:
  • Its weird the things you end up loving that you never thought you would isn't it. I love tennis and I'd never played till I joined my gym, I only took the racquet membership because it was only £2 dearer than the gym one and its great fun.

    I've heard great things about the 30 day shred program

    I'm really lucky that where I live gym membership isn't very expensive and my hubby goes with me so thats an added incentive, although he won't do the classes.
  • mum23
    mum23 Posts: 248 Member
    when do you find time to fit all that in??
    i do 1 class a week, and i do a davina dvd 30 mins every other day.
    between the kids and the house, i cant get out to do more!
  • I don't have any kids so I have it easier than a lot of people. I work 12hr shifts so I only work 7 days out of 14 and it changes from days to nights every fortnight. On my good week I finish on a sunday eveing or a Monday morning and only work Wednesday Thursday then I'm off again till the Monday so thankfully I can get to the gym pretty much when I want. I still have to force myself quite often especially when I'm working 6-6 dayshift but I'm always glad I did once I'm there.
  • alan79
    alan79 Posts: 22 Member
    I go to the gym 3 - 4 times a week consists of running, free weights, machines etc aiming for HIT end up between 500- 700 cals burned, 1200 at peak. Then swim for 20 minutes 300 cals and collapse in a sauna.

    Also rock climb twice a week normally rthere for 2 - 3 hours. This really burns the energy up.

    Apart from that walking everywhere.
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    To fit mine in I get up at 5am every day apart from Sunday when I get up at 8am. I mean to say also that at work I am on my feet all day for at least 8 hours. I used a pedometer the other day and I did 7000 steps at work alone although I don't count this towards my exercise xxx
  • I'm the same Bee, I'm on my feet for most of my shift and I work in a factory so its fairly heavy work sometimes, I've never tried a pedometer at work I dread to think how many steps I take to be honest but like you I wouldn't count them either as I make up for it on my days off when I'm not at the gym lol.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I do the elliptical for 50 minute once a week; and I walk for an hour at least once a week, typically more. On occasion I will do the 30 day shred and do stretches and weights at home while watching TV. Has worked for me so far. Loved yoga when I had the opportunity to do that; looking for another such opportunity.
  • rochelleac8
    rochelleac8 Posts: 8 Member
    My sister and I work out (long distance..she's in AK) five days a week.

    Mondays I do:
    10min on elliptical level 8 at 5-6mph; and 10 on treadmill at a level 3 incline at 3.5-4.2mph
    then I teach 35 mins of Jazz and 35 mins of ballet technique to intermediate dancers

    Tues/Weds we have off.

    Thursday I do:
    30 mins on the elliptical
    and 35 mins of Ballet Tech for advanced dancers

    Fridays I do:
    25 mins on the elliptical
    20 mins of arms with free weights
    10 mins on either the treadmill at an incline or
    15 mins on that weird elliptical/ski thing that KILLS my rear!
    then 10 mins of stretching

    Saturday I do:
    30 mins on the treadmill at 4.5-5.2mph
    10 mins of stretching
    20-25 mins of abs and butt
    20 mins on elliptical

    Sunday I do:
    some variation of Friday's routine mixed with little of Saturday's routine.

    and then I"m back to monday.
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    I have just started so I am trying to work in all the things I want to do. I have 2 hours of childcare at the gym, which gets used up pretty quickly. I use weights and the lift machines to work all my "Target Areas" which is everything.LOL And I do cardio on the elliptical from 30 to 60 min.

    I am wanting to add either zumba or belly dancing to the mix. So I can get my grove on when we go out dancing.
    Before the kids I would go to the club and dance all night, no drinks. It really keeps the lbs off and you can wear your cool stuff from "Charlotte Rue."
    I really want to try P90X but the price for everything has kept me from trying it. So I added it to my weight loss wish list. SOON:tongue:
  • Its really interesting to see what everyone does exercisewise, I've seen P90X mentioned loads on here and its not something I'm familiar with, will have to have a google and see.

    Highly recommend Zumba and belly dancing, they are great fun.
  • cherrypi
    cherrypi Posts: 3 Member
    I can't believe you can fit it all in, that's great! I either cycle to work (60 mins per day) or park the car and walk in really quickly (again about 60 mins a day). I try and do a body pump class every week but don't always make it.

    I work in an office so am really sedentary. I'd like to do a lunch time class as evenings are difficult (kids, house etc), the only problem is the cost - classes and gym fees are really high.

    I think I should bite the bullet and try running - at least its free! Has anyone got any tips on how to start running reguarly? I haven't run since cross country at school!

  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I go 60 minutes 5x a week. Depends on what I feel like doing, the world is my option! I either run a 5k outside or on the indoor track. Or I do elliptical at lvl 5 resistance and do intervals by increasing it to 10 for 50-60 minutes. Or there is just plain walking when I am hurting too much to run (I hate it, it feels so slow!) Or there is the stair climber that I put on lvl 10 and can go for about 15 minutes without dying. I run better outside than on the treadmill. You can distract yourself by looking at things or setting a tree or something on the path as a goal and then keep going past it to the next object, but on the treadmill there is just the ipod. But winter is coming up soon so no more trail runnning :(. I run on the treadmill at 5.5 and when I'm feeling energetic I do intervals at 6.5 or 7. I am a military dependant and have free access to the gym, no kids.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member

    I follow the "main site" www.crossfit.com
    3 days of WODs (workout of the day) / 1 day rest

    Often I will skip a Sunday WOD to go bike riding though.
  • I workout 5 days a week at the gym. There I will do some light weight or circut training then I go to to cardio. My cardio can be the bike, elliptical or tredmill. Personally I have come to hate the tredmill cause I started to jog outside and I can go longer and burn more because I make a point to decide where to jog to. (ex. grocery store, goodwill) I am there for roughly an hour and a half. It feels good. Rule number one though is to do weights before cardio. Your body burns more calories cause your muscles are working hard still after weights. If you do cardio first you tire out your muscles so you dont get much befinit out of it.
  • Cherrypi are there no womans running clubs near you? We have them here and they are for all levels. I've tried and its not for me but I have lots of friends that love running and its definately helped their weightloss. I googled womens running clubs in my area to find them here. Good luck.

    Bandchick I totally agree about the weights before cardio thing, definately works.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,549 Member
    I workout 6 days a week. Mondays and Wednesdays I do a 60 minute cardio sculpt class then a spin class (hour on Monday, 45 minutes on Wed.). Tuesdays I play golf (not really a workout but it's better than sitting on my bahooney in front of the computer!) Thursdays either another round of golf or 60 minutes in the gym on the elliptical, treadmill and stairmaster. Fridays depending on the instructor I either do the cardio sculpt class again or I do weights for an hour then spin for45 minutes. Saturdays either a spin class or back to the machines-depends on my kids swim schedule. Sunday is my day off but I usually at least go for a walk or go play more golf!

    I'm lucky to be a stay home mom (who doesn't stay home much!) so I workout as soon as the boys are off to school. I'm mad that today I don't get to do my classes because of a conflict. Will try REALLY hard to get to the gym this afternoon, but boy once I've showered and done the hair/makeup thing, it's REALLY hard to go sweat and have to do that stuff all over! Wish I had a good zumba class to do, but the instructor in the morning at our Y is not that good. I burn no calories and only sweat because the room is warm. I'll stick to the other stuff where I know I get a good workout.
  • sarahshak
    sarahshak Posts: 6 Member
    Since I teach aqua aerobics, I do that 4 or 5 hours per week. Cardio the rest of the week is dance moves (Zumba is fun) or other land classes. Also, I use free weights, as I am not a fan of machines even though I work in a gym and we spent tons of money on them. I like to stroll as I train my arms with free weights while listening to playlist. The music motivates me, but that depends on how much you like music and like moving to it--not for everyone. I love the combo, also, of a bodypump type class followed by a swim or deep water aerobics followed by the sauna, shower and fruit and protein snack and WATER. I will also say here that cross training is wonderful for your body and mind. So, changing up what you do all week is the key and adding, at least, one yoga or tai chi or just stretching class can be extremely benefitial and contribute to avoiding injury and just feeling good and less stressed. I also teach Tai Chi two hours per week and do at least 10 minutes of Tai Chi or Chi Gong every day. There are a lot of videos and free demos on the net---keep it simple--breath!
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