Do you weigh more on your period?

Hey everyone,
I really shouldn't have done this, but I weighed myself around 12 today after eating breakfast AND while on my period and the scale said I hadn't lost any weight (I'm on a diet currently) but had actually gained around 1-2 pounds! I know I broke like every rule in the book about when to weigh yourself, but I'm feeling really down about my weight and body image in general now so can you guys just reassure me that this isn't my actual weight and all that? Thanks, maybe this wasn't the best topic since it's only for me haha but thanks anyways.


  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    Bloating is part of your period, so you're going to gain a few pounds. I usually put on 3-5 pounds leading up to my period, then it all goes away within a few days of my cycle starting.

    Usually you don't have to worry about slight weight gain. Your weight naturally fluctuates based on a lot of different factors, and it's almost always water weight unless you've been consistently going way over your calories.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    Yeah and even though you know its not real weight its still disheartening..
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Most women retain water during/around TOM.

    You weighed after eating and during your TOM, so your most likely seeing:

    Your weight + food weight + weight of any drinks + weight of clothing (I'm assuming you were dressed) + water retention weight = weight shown on your scale
  • Xaudelle
    Xaudelle Posts: 122 Member
    Yep. I know it, I understand why and I just push through til it's over.
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    Yup, I typically gain 2-5 lbs of water weight literally overnight. It washes out over the next 4-5 days.
  • yep, I started my period two days before my weigh in day, so I skipped it and am now waiting for the next one.
  • Tomboly1
    Tomboly1 Posts: 42
    The scale normally doesn't budge for me the week before my period . Really discouraging, but I know that is what it's from. Right after my period ends, the weight starts to come off. Just stay on track and don't give up!
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Period can lead to bloathing, especially when you give in to cravings and eat salty foods or sweets the days before. When you are on your period you get bloathed easier.

    But it's one of those things that vary from a person to another. I personally weight less on my period and I could swear that my belly looks smaller the day before and the first 2 days.
    The thing is that in the week before my period I tend to drink tons of water and my body is like stopping the water retention, because it is sure I will keep the water coming.

    But I see the problem elsewhere for you. Weight varies on a daily basis. It's so easy to get confused if you don't understand this. You should follow your weight loss trend or average on a larger period, like a week.
    I have lots of weeks when my weight varies 0.5-1 pound from day to day, but at the end of the week, comparing to past weeks, I am steadily losing. Don't be bothered by your weight in one day. At least wait 3 consecutive days before wondering.
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    I am always super puffy and bloated when it comes to my period. I tend not to track my weight but I still weigh myself that day.