Is more than just losing Weight

When in my 20's and also most people on their 20's you burn like crazy. The problem was that many of us eat junk and nobody taught us how to eat right like myself as an example. I would work out 5 days a week twice a day but was in great shape. The subject of nutrition was not important as long as you workout and show it.

Once you start going to your 30's you will burn less as a Mesomorph and need to do more exercises and watch what you eat. I have seen many skinny people also who are very unhealthy so don't let the skinny people fool you. Skinny people get away with more crap just because they are skinny and have high metabolism burning fat without working out. A guy I knew ended up in the hospital for eating crap all day every day and his body became toxic. Nobody called him out on his bad food habits because he was a skinny guy and he did not workout.

I now learned of a realm of eating that is about Health and not just eating because you are losing the weight. If this is you just because you are losing the weight and not including health in the picture you will go back to your bad habits and gain all of it back. Took me 3 years to learn this and finally seeing results in both sectors.