Best exercises for bingo wings?

I've been Googling but there's loads of advice out there so I'm looking for personal advice? I know you can't spot train areas but I've never done much weights work so I'm a bit clueless. I have temperamental wrists due to health problems so lots and lots of press ups is out. Any help MFPs?


  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    The one that lowers your body fat is the best, so the less eating exercise. If you're already doing that, then increasing triceps size will help marginally with the look of the excess skin.

    Pully push downs
    Lying barbell triceps extensions (any of the various triceps extension exercises really)

    Good luck.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    if you haven't done much with weights at all then forget about spot training your arms and start a full body program instead. your arms will improve if you do that while still losing weight via calorie deficit.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    "brain crunchers" look them up for proper form. Do not go heavier than your wrists or any other joint can handle, like ever,with any exercise. Muscle fatigue is good. Joint pain is always bad. Go nice and easy over time. An all over workout can't hurt!